Nurses and medical staff to oppose the currently have put in an enormous effort to get to patients who have been infected with the corona virus, to take care of. The Newspaper asked the nurse to Cyntzia Delcourt for her job and it now looks like this in the midcare of the university hospital of Ghent, belgium. There are patients who do not need to be beademend will be closely monitored. Cyntzia find coronapatiënten is often easier to feel than to the results of the study. This makes it very dangerous because they can suddenly, rapidly deteriorate, and can go.”

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see also:

an occupational therapist, Inez reports on work in a senior home: “The relationship with our children became closer”

the Nurse (Stephanie testifies about the work of corona-department, “The patient care is not the same”

a Nurse testified: “The young patients will look good, but their image and so they are not”: