In winter, it could get cold in many houses, not only because of the outside temperatures. Rising energy prices also play a role. We will show you how you can save on heating costs with a stove fan and still not freeze.

This winter threatens to be cold. Scarce energy resources and the associated exploding costs are to blame.

If you have a fireplace or tiled stove at home, you can consider yourself lucky. Because this is independent of gas and oil and can be operated with firewood. But a fireplace or tiled stove alone does not promise a remedy to get through the winter: Because the warm air collects at the top and the room heats up only slowly. The problem is even more evident with high ceilings.

Energy has never been as expensive as it is now. But instead of panicking, you should calmly check potential savings at home. As our guide shows, there are many of them.

An oven fan can help. It is simply placed by the fireplace, heats up via the base and blows the rising warm air into the room. The room heats up better and faster. The stove fan is only operated by the heat of the fireplace or stove. Best of all, you don’t need electricity or batteries. The stove fan uses the energy of the heat. The higher the temperature of the oven, the faster the rotor blades of the fan rotate.

Oven fans do not require an additional power supply because they are powered by the thermoelectric effect. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when buying:

In the table, we present popular oven fans and the most important information such as the number of rotor blades and heat resistance for the individual products.

Comparison instead of test: What’s the difference?

For this comparison, a CHIP specialist editor examined test reports from other publications as well as the most popular offers (“best sellers”) and customer opinions from online retailers. Based on this we made the product selection. When selecting the top devices, we focus on models with more than four stars and a reasonably high number of reviews. We have read a selection of customer reviews and selected devices that, based on our professional assessment, meet the needs of the users. The products have not been tested in the CHIP test center.

All products that the CHIP test center had in the laboratory can be found in this list of the best. Products that have also been tested by our cooperation partners can be found in our test

The original for this article “Saving energy: The best oven fans” comes from