Recovered from coronavirus the Muscovites offered to donate plasma

the Government of Moscow asks recovered from coronavirus residents, said Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Moscow Mayor for social development.

“Experts say that the blood of survivors coronavirus contains antibodies which help fight infections. This treatment can help us to cope with the pandemic,” she said.

the Number recovered from coronavirus, and hence of potential donors is growing, but.

To encourage donor plasma. On behalf of the Mayor of Moscow in the near future to be adopted legal act.

According to doctors, after transfusion of donor plasma in patients with coronavirus seen an improvement and no side effects. This — in the USA, Germany, China and other countries. At the suggestion of the clinical Committee last week it started to apply in Moscow.

donate blood plasma can be a person aged 18 to 55 years, recover from coronavirus infection, do not have chronic diseases. Also the donor must have negative tests for HIV, hepatitis b and hepatitis C.

a hotline to donation of plasma is open daily from 09:00 to 19:00 by phone: +7 (495) 870-45-16.