The result is expected on Monday night (CET). For months, the election campaign was marked by serious mutual accusations and misinformation spread on the Internet.

In Brazil, the decisive round of the presidential election began on Sunday. In the runoff, left-wing ex-president Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva and right-wing incumbent Jair Bolsonaro face each other. In Latin America’s largest country, more than 156 million people are eligible to vote. Lula won the first round on October 2 – but less clearly than the polls had predicted. Now the race is considered open. The result is expected on Monday night (CET).

For months, the election campaign was marked by serious mutual accusations and misinformation spread on the Internet. Both candidates fought for every vote until the end. President Bolsonaro repeatedly cast doubt on the electoral system and indicated that he might not recognize the result. Some of his supporters were blatantly calling for a military coup.

The election has significant implications beyond Brazil’s borders. As a huge carbon reservoir, the Amazon region plays an important role in the fight against global climate change. Given the tense situation on the energy and food markets due to the Ukraine war, Brazil with its enormous natural resources is also an important trading partner.