Former UK Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak has officially made his bid to succeed outgoing Prime Minister Liz Truss.

At the beginning of September, Sunak lost in the race to succeed Johnson to Truss, who is now leaving office after just over six unprecedentedly chaotic weeks. Sunak is now credited by many for repeatedly warning during the election campaign about the very chaos that Truss unleashed on the financial markets with her economic policies.

Ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson is also said to throw his hat into the ring again for the office of Prime Minister. Allies have said Johnson is ready and has enough support. On Saturday morning, the 58-year-old landed back in London with his family after a short vacation in the Caribbean.

Also in the running is Penny Mordaunt, the minister responsible for parliamentary affairs, who officially announced her candidacy on Friday. Nominations can be received until Monday afternoon. By next Friday at the latest, it should be clear who will head the government in the future.