Moscow launched a system of monitoring areas of the city, where comfortable or, on the contrary, it is inconvenient to survive the regime of self-isolation during a pandemic. The authors of the study — the Moscow centre of urban studies and Analytics company Habidatum — studied each district on six criteria, including the type of residential development, availability of courtyards and even the anxiety level of local residents regarding the spread of coronavirus. Summarizing these parameters, the researchers were integral index: highest — 6 points — the Metrogorodok, where part of the national Park “elk island”, and the lowest — 3 points — East Degunino in the North of the capital. “Kommersant” published the full rating.Source: Moscow center for urban studies and HabidatumХудшие areas of Moscow for shumoizolyatory: Moscow center for urban studies and HabidatumЗначимость total atenciosa scale of comfort areas from 0 to 6.Criteria ubarana the first stage, urbanists have analyzed the following six indicators:Why didn’t issledovatelskiy the Director of Fund “Institute for urban Economics” (IUE) Tatyana Polidi calls the correct methodology for the study Habidatum and the Moscow center for urban studies. The expert drew attention to the fact that the availability of grocery stores and pharmacies is calculated based on the number of points per unit area.Earlier, the IEG jointly with Habidatum expected a similar figure per capita. The conclusions were the same — better in the centre than at the periphery. “Proceeding from this it appears that the situation downtown is good, because there live few people, although often it is not so: for example, the residents of Tverskaya or Kutuzovsky prospect to go to the store, you may have to go a long way,” she explains.According to experts, a similar problem exists in parts of the sleeping areas: this is due to the adopted in the Russian cities of the neighborhood, not the quarterly development.The independent expert on urban planning Natalia Makovetskaya believes that these indicators are fundamental, but not fully reflect the comfort of being in quarantine. “Take, for example, the availability of commercial real estate. Retail and catering companies have learned to deliver products to almost anywhere in the city,” she says. Or, for example, the index of involvement of local residents. “It rather shows the level of irritation of residents on the need to observe strict quarantine measures and hardly determines the level of comfort,”— says Ms. Makovetskaya.First, it is important that such studies are in principle covered. They are shown in real time, a new reality, which will change our activity, and consequently, the economy, social life, production, believes indirectop Citymakers Peter Kudryavtsev. “But,” he continues, ” the comfort of the area is determined by the General feeling of well-being, and this broader concept of comfort.” According to experts, the urban environment should be considered not only from the point of view of its material attractiveness, but also from the point of view of the emotions and sensations that it causes. Important and visual comfort. “In terms of isolation is particularly important as the view from the window is one of the few contacts with the real world,” said Mr. Kudryavtsev. In his opinion, important is the number of square meters, which on average has one resident. An important guarantee of emotional well-being is a presence in the apartment is a private space that allows you to retire in terms of social ties, he adds.”We wanted to show you now how important was the concept of 15 minutes of the city when for a comfortable life services and infrastructure should be located within walking distance from the houses,” — explains the results of his research head of the Moscow centre of urban studies Sergei Kapkov.He believes that a pandemic will affect the lives of citizens. “We hope that the study will affect not only the demand of residents in a comfortable environment in the districts and, accordingly, the city government will encourage the environment to improve, but the real estate market”,— said Mr. Kozlov. For example, he continues to carry better insulation in the apartments with a balcony, with the developers recently put on the market basically flat with no balconies to use them to increase the area of the residential zone. Developers of shopping centers will also have to change the concept to return traffic because visitors, the expert believes, will not want to go into enclosed spaces with lots of people.Khalil Amine, Elizaveta Makarova, Alexandra Mertsalova