Russian President Vladimir Putin called traitors and executioners of the French Marshal Philippe pétain, the Soviet commander Andrei Vlasov, the leader of Ukrainian nationalists Stepan Bandera and of the ruler of the Norwegian Vidkun Quisling. He wrote about this in the article about the Second world war, published by the American publication The National Interest.

The Russian leader stressed that the minions and followers of these people often surpassed them in inhumanity.

“They are responsible for such bloody events as the shootings at Babi Yar, Volyn massacre, Khatyn, the destruction of the Jews in Latvia and Lithuania,” he listed Putin.

According to the President, for the crimes of the Nazi collaborators can not be a Statute of limitations.

“I regard the glorification of Nazi collaborators only as a betrayal of the memory of our fathers and grandfathers. The betrayal of the ideals that unite people in the struggle against Nazism,” – said Vladimir Putin.

As reported by “the Rambler”, the intention to write an article about the Second world war, the Russian President announced the end of 2019. 14 June, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the article is finished and will be published without prior announcement. The article was called “Real lessons 75-year anniversary of the Second world war.” In it Putin talks about the prerequisites of the war, the actions of countries at the beginning of the war and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.