Psychologists gave advice on how to survive

And now the points.


– Life has changed significantly, in schools introduce remote learning, parents working from home, with friends it is difficult to see in person. It is very important to try to focus on the opportunities that you have, instead of thinking about the hardships.

– the Likelihood of ill aged 0 to 19 years is very small. Children and teenagers almost sick with coronavirus or tolerate it in very easy manner. Despite this, there are treatments that can help further reduce the probability of contamination.

1. wash hands after the street, before eating, to fight the habit of nail biting, if it is (finally now there is a worthy motivation) – it is through the hands, the virus often enters the body of a person;

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich / RIA Novosti the Psychologist gave advice to parents of children with disabilities

2. to not sleep less than 7.5 hours;

3. eat well;

4 to do physical exercises (all of which will help to support and strengthen the immune system);

5. to observe the regime of self-isolation.

‘ Yes, I have to stay home, not go to school, not to meet friends. Boring… but… it is Very important that you understand, now comes the Apocalypse, as we see in the movies about zombies. On the contrary, we are asked to leave the house less in order to prevent the infection of a large number of people. Will have to be patient.

– Choose 1-2 news resource that you or your parents trusted the most and give the news 10 minutes morning and 10 minutes in the evening.

One of the best medications against anxiety – humor. Many children started to upload their videos and songs about how they experience the situation of self-isolation. Maybe you can look at this situation from this angle?

If anxious thoughts are constantly attacking you, remember that anxiety is not dangerous, you don’t have to think about every disturbing thought. Imagine them as passing clouds in the sky and try to focus on their business, more enjoyable or important.

Tips for parents

– Support the rhythm of family life or create new family traditions (games), especially when children should stay home.

– Encourage children to stay connected with their peers: by phone or, for example, in social networks (with time limit).

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG Start of the exam moved to June, enrollment will start later than usual

– Discuss COVID-19 with children. Joint problem solving can ease anxiety.

– In simple and accessible form give the kids the facts about what happened. Give them clear information on how to reduce the risk of infection. And the words that the child can understand, depending on age.

– Turn a boring story about the ways of transmission and ways of prevention in the game (“Yes”, “No”, “don’t know”), where children can move, to enjoy the successful responses and the ability to communicate with you.

– minimize the browsing and reading the news that can cause anxiety in children. Explain to them that you will be able to give them accurate information, which is take from reliable sources.

– Kids can react to stress in different ways. For example, to be more clingy, anxious, withdrawn. React with understanding, listen to what excites the child. Important love and attention.

Tips for teachers

– Provide children with a supportive and positive educational environment that is free from stress caused by the desire for good grades. Concentrate on maintaining the health of the children.

– Use GSMthe best form of education that encourages the development of intellectual and creative activity. For example, the Olympic games, quests, competitions which allow children and their parents to support the activity.

Photo: iStock Russian universities invite students to virtual open days

– Use reliable sources of information at certain times during the day. One or two times. Sudden and near-constant stream of news about the outbreak can cause anxiety in any person.

– Support children and parents. Helping others in difficult times can bring to you personally the psychological benefit.

– you now lies the double burden of responsibility for children’s health, psychological well-being of their families, academic training of students. Treat this as a special work environment. Take care of yourself. Try to cope with stress and lead a healthy lifestyle. Will help breathing and physical exercises, relaxation exercises.