now, Proximus has released its latest 5G network two weeks after its launch, already off in some places after protests from local authorities. This confirms a spokesman Haroun Fenaux.

in Particular, in Wallonia responded to some of the local authorities and angry when when when when a Proximus at the end of the previous month’s surprising announcement that it is 5G, the mobile phone network to the latest generation, which had been activated at more than 30 locations in Belgium.

finally, in The Walloon Brabant, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (belgium), is one of the places which Proximus will be 5G, display is turned off, for example, in a communication to the city council. The company does not say at what place it is still being done.

The municipality of Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (belgium), had complained about the lack of prior consultation and felt that the timing of the launch in the middle of the coronacrisis not be appropriate.

“We have had 5G, will be suspended during the discussions with the municipality,” said Fenaux. Proximus wants to be the citizens and municipalities to be better informed. “There’s going to be, sometimes, the ‘fake news’ when it comes to social media. We need people to be reassuring and good information that will help.”

The municipality of Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (belgium) calls on the inhabitants started to take part in the public consultation of the telecomwaakhond INSTITUTE about the grant of a preliminary spectrum for 5G.

The debate should not only be technically carried, the city council. “A lot of people are concerned about the effects of radiation on human health, it would be the exact answer to be able to express their legitimate questions.”