the 30-year-old Pernille Severinsen was on the road to fosterscanning the previous week, and when she drove into a gas station to fill petrol in the car, she got a shock:

“There came a lady approached me, which was totally upset. She asked how I could possibly get myself to go out, when I was pregnant, and whether or not I was aware of what was happening out in the world,” says Pernille Severinsen.

And the young future mother is far from the only one, who in these weeks encounter, how quick people are to point fingers at each other and judge the behavior of others.

Why this form of social udskamning and selvjustists just ruler now, is there a special reason for that. It tells of a professor of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen Vincent F. Hendricks more about later in the article.

First, back to the Pernille Severinsen, who stood there completely tongue-tied with benzinpumpen in the hand. And the lady in front of her was apparently not finished with to tell her that it was wrong, she had moved out when she was pregnant.

“She said that I was clearly so indifferent to my child, that I just as well could go in and buy a Redbull and a pack of cigarettes. I was in shock and was mega furious because of the way she came and turned me on. She was completely hotheaded,” says Pernille Severinsen, who does not move out, unless it is necessary:

“I have been in fertility treatment, so I’m being followed a lot. And I was actually pregnant with twins but lost one. So there are several reasons why I don’t just can be at home,” she says

She would wish that we could just take care of his own dish, for you can not know what reason people have to do, as they do.

And it is not only when Pernille Severinsen moves outside its door, that she was experiencing, how busy people have with each other.

“I can at least just look at both the social media as, in fact, that people have some serious trends to reprove others,” she says.

She can understand people are afraid of being infected with coronavirus, but it is the tone and manner of the concern being expressed, as it is completely wrong according to her.

“I can’t understand that the people must reprove others on the way. To reach out so aggressively to others, I don’t understand,” she says and continues:

“I think it is fair enough to be worried about, but then you can say it in a nice way.”

And she saw also an example that it can be done, since she was up shopping the other day.

“There was an elderly lady, as there was one that came too close. So said the elderly lady to her, that she was really worried, and though she was sweet to take a step away. I think this is a fair way to deal with it,” says Pernille Severinsen.

According to Vincent F. Hendricks, professor of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen, denmark, is people’s tendency to point the finger at the other along with that we are in the midst of a crisis, and that people are both concerned about their own health and the future:

“Then it’s not so unusual, that one also begins to worry about what the neighbor is doing. In succestider worried the most about what you do – but in times of crisis, which is collective, that you begin to worry about what the neighbor does,” he says, and continues:

“It is also not unusual to see in times of crisis, that you get something that may remind you of a kangaroo court or general its own.”

According to the professor, we have seen examples of it before in times of crisis, when people begin to specify or sanction those people who do not live up to the social contract.

“It looks, for example, in economic downturns, when people start to report the neighbor for social security fraud, or whatever it could be,” says Vincent F. Hendricks.

He says that social sanctions can work if they are done properly.

“as long As it is in order to reach towards a common goal, for which it applies, not to stigmatise or denigrate others in the process, so can social sanctions to be excellent,” says the professor and ends:

“the Problem is, if it starts to look like udskamning. So, it serves not the purpose that we should stick together. On the contrary, it has the opposite function, that some feel left out or accused.”