“to make potato dick”, you hear again and again – a 250g Serving of boiled potatoes has just 173 calories. The thick-makers are rather the processed potatoes like French fries and Chips, because the calorie content is actually rising by a multiple.

Who loves potatoes (and fries and Chips can do without), there is now a good news: Because potatoes can even help you lose weight! The potato diet is based on the following approach.

What happens to carbohydrates in the body?

carbohydrates, many small sugar molecules. You can increase the blood sugar level, whereby the saturation signal is triggered. The hormone Insulin discharged the sugar into the cells, the level falls again. It happens too quickly, be hungry again, even though we have just eaten something. We then eat again, is to convert the Rest into fat and stored.

What types of carbohydrates are there?

Rapidly digestible starch slowly digestible starch resistant starch sugar

fiber plug in legumes, cereals, vegetables. You Can not be digested, therefore provide no calories, saturate but good.