Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Natalia Poklonskaya sent a letter to the UN high Commissioner for human rights Michelle Bachelet to condemn the criminal actions of the Ukrainian authorities unilaterally blocked the supply of fresh water to the Crimea and to take measures for the resumption of the Dnieper water supply in the North-Crimean channel.

The main source of fresh water to Crimea is extending from the river Dnieper North-Crimean canal, which provided 85% of the needs of people in clean and safe drinking water. However, after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia water flow through the channel in the Republic was completely stopped unilaterally.

"urge you, Madam high Commissioner, as well as States that recognize the Universal Declaration of human rights and participating in international conventions and agreements on the protection of human rights, strongly condemn the criminal actions of the Ukrainian side, who are in flagrant violation of international law and in direct violation of commitments in human rights, and to take comprehensive measures to ensure all possible ways to restore the functioning of the North-Crimean canal", — said in the letter, the text of which is available to RIA Novosti.

The MP calls on the international community and the UN to take urgent action to end the discriminatory policy of the authorities of Ukraine in relation to the millions of Crimeans and the government — to take as part entrusted to her mandate by the international community all possible steps to prevent the recurrence of the water blockade of the Peninsula in the future.

"Madam high Commissioner, in the XXI century in Europe, there is a flagrant and massive violation of fundamental rights of the inhabitants of the Crimea. Member state of the UN Ukraine has deprived millions of people of basic and inalienable right to potable water, posing real threat for life and health, as well as the ecology of this unique part of South-Eastern Europe," the letter reads.

Poklonski stressed that the Crimea is a unique multicultural region of the world, whose territory is home to 2.4 million people and 170 nationalities, including a number of unique autochthonous peoples, the population of each of which does not exceed 2 thousand people.

"the Ukrainian side is deliberately takes actions that threaten a humanitarian disaster by depriving the inhabitants of the Crimea of the right to water", — said the Deputy.

Poklonski stressed that the runoff of the Dnieper river are international in nature and originate from the territory of Russia, which accounts for the bulk of the water, the Dnieper basin, entering Ukraine. And the channel, which are the foundations��second source of drinking water for the population of Crimea, was built at the expense of resources and efforts of Ukraine and the entire Soviet Union in the 50-ies of the last century, when the Peninsula was part of the Russian Federation.

"Through the inhumane actions of the Ukrainian authorities carried out the genocidal policy and are guided by feelings of revenge against the Crimean, opposed the coup in Kiev in 2014," the letter reads.

According to Poklonski, "criminal overlap" Ukraine channel in 2014 has affected the state of the ecosystem as the lower Dnieper and the Crimea. The result is waterlogging and salinization of soils, and as a consequence, the destruction of many species of flora and fauna adjacent to the channel areas, deterioration of soil quality and health indicators of residents in the region residents.

"Such actions endanger the lives of millions of people and can be equated with repression", — said Poklonski.

According to her, Ukraine’s actions not only violate the UN Charter and contrary to its purposes and principles, but also directly aimed at the destruction of human rights, which in itself violates article 30 of the universal Declaration of human rights, article 5 International Covenant on civil and political rights and article 5 of the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights.

Poklonski stressed that the Crimean people expect a quick response to the appeal and willing to provide detailed factual materials.