If you do a large part of your job remotely, it may happen that your company is based in Baden-Württemberg but you live in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and have set up your home office there.

When a holiday such as Corpus Christi, All Saints Day, Repentance and Prayer Day or Epiphany is approaching, which does not apply to everyone nationwide, there is great confusion: Does the holiday apply where I live or where I work?

The answer is: For you as an employee, it is not the company headquarters or place of residence that is important, but the specific place of work. If you work primarily from home, it depends on what was agreed in your employment contract.

So if you are employed in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate or Saarland, you have tomorrow, May 30, 2024, off – because Corpus Christi is a public holiday in these federal states.

If you live in one of the federal states listed but work in one of the ten remaining ones, things are looking bad for you: You still have to go to work or work from home, even if those around you probably have the day off.

The exception: If you have a teleworking agreement that stipulates that your place of residence is your permanent place of work, you can only take advantage of the public holidays in the federal state in which you live.