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Already one hour before gjenvinningsstasjonen at Forus, between Stavanger and Sandnes opened at eight in the morning, there was a long queue to dispose of waste.

According to Nrk reporter on the spot, there were over 200 cars at the range when the station opened. Already the clock 06.30 asked the first vehicles in the queue.

Gjenvinningsstasjonene on the North-Jæren has been closed for two weeks because of koronakrisen to limit care.

KEEPS TRACK: Commissioner Tommy Stoltenberg, directs cars in the junk line at Forus.

Photo: Arild Eskeland / NRK the Police had to direct the lines

A slightly unusual sight on the gjenvinningsstasjonen was the police. They were in place to direct traffic and to keep order and peace.

People NRK spoke with took the queue with the good mood.

Rolf Andersen was one of the many that were in place early in order to get rid of the waste from the house after vårrengjøringen. He took the queue with a smile:

I had expected a queue, but it is now we have the time. I must take the opportunity.

EARLY: Rolf Andersen was an early adopter to throw garbage on Thursday.

Photo: Arild Eskeland / NRK More queue than expected

the general manager for IVAR recycling center Forus, Anne Brit Syvertsen, is surprised by the long queues:

I had not expected that it was so bad. But it turns out that many people have saved for the things they want to get rid of. They probably have waited for this.

SURPRISED: head of operations Anne Britt Syvertsen by gjenvinningsstasjonen on the Forus was surprised by the long queues.

Photo: Arild Eskeland / NRK

to avoid chaos, the station has, in addition to the two politibetjenter, obtained with the two officers in the Project parking to help to keep order in the ranks.

” We’re trying to draw the queue from the main road. People just have to stay on to wait. This probably will not go as fast.

the GARBAGE-QUEUE: Many have had the time to clean at home, and the queues were long.

Photo: Arild Eskeland / NRK

Now IVAR out on Facebook and ask people to use other recycling facilities than the at Forus, in order to avoid chaos.

Takes the personal-account Gjenvinningsstasjonen also take into consideration korona-the pandemic, and the risk of infection.

– Yes, we have limited access, and release only a certain number of cars at a time.

– But why take the chance now. It has been closed for two weeks?

– We have received advice and guidance from fylkeslegen, and introduced measures to limit infection among customers and employees. Customers can only use vipps and credit cards, and they must keep at least a meters distance between each other.

the car parks were quickly filled up by people who would throw the waste.

Photo: Arild Eskeland / NRK Oslo has re-opened

Also Oslo reopened the korona-closed gjenvinningsstasjonene Wednesday, and there have been queues there too.

It is among other things introduced restriction on how many cars that is let in at a time.

city Commissioner for environment and transport, Arild Hermstad (MDG) shows that a lot of cleans and need to get rid of waste.

city Commissioner for environment and transport in Oslo, Arild Hermstad (MDG) believes it was right to reopen the gjenvinningsstasjonene now.

Photo: NRK / screenshot

– Now we have rigged the and introduced smitteverntiltak which makes that it is safe to open.

In Bergen gjenvinningsstasjonene normal business hours with the exception of the mobile gjenvinningsstasjonen in the centre, which is closed until further notice. It is also not possible to visit brukthallene.

Nor in Trondheim, there has been korona-closed. Gjenvinningsstasjonene is open with limited access. Moreover, it introduced several smitteverntiltak, and bruktbutikken is closed, NRK stated.

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