because of the coronavirus exam passes this year for a month later than usual. Was this a plus: 80 thousand graduates who plan to enroll in universities and registered for the exams, got more time for training in the selected subjects. The most popular exams this year Muscovites appeared to be Russian language and core mathematics, in third place – social studies, which selected about a third of graduates.

“For the graduates of this period are always difficult and test preparation, and career choice, and College choice. The added stress and uncertainty”, – said the Deputy mayor of Moscow on issues of social development Anastasia Rakova, visiting school # 1284 in Krasnoselsky district.

a Senior Margarita Prokhanov on the first exam handed literature. Girl for a long time have decided to study journalism at the Moscow state University, and the exam in literature there are known a compulsory subject. So, it is advisable to take it at 100. “I attend preparatory courses at MSU, so the knowledge sure. More worried during isolation, when it was unclear whether the exams at all. I had to take myself in hand and continue to do,” – said Margarita.

“Only for the final evaluation of the capital deployed 382 paragraph of examinations. Most of them – 359 – opened in schools, the others – on the basis of health care institutions and at home for children who for health reasons are unable to attend the exam at school”, – told Anastasia Rakova. According to her, the authorities did their best to secure a school space for children and for teachers who take the exam. The schools are open all entrances in order to disperse incoming graduates, who, by the way, come to the exam on schedule. No queues at the entrance, in the corridors and halls. All measure body temperature contactless thermometers, give out gloves and masks.

“All 30 thousand employees of the items that take the exam, a mandatory order were tested for the coronavirus. Any employee who has identified such infection, not admitted to the exam. Children are now sick with coronavirus, or have contact with the patient are quarantined, will be able to take the exam in reserve days,” said Anastasia Rakova.

In the classrooms of graduates are sitting strictly through the Desk in a checkerboard pattern. Exam duration: 3 hours 55 minutes. Two hours later, the organizers ask kids to replace the mask and take used in the special airtight package.

In recent months against the background of the pandemic has changed the entire educational system. Metropolitan school was able to adjust to remote work format, teachers quickly mastered new teaching skills on remote – need to have time to prepare the eleventh graders for the exams. Moscow helped the e-school. The number of daily requests users to its platform in these months increased by 2.5 times compared to the beginning of the year and amounted to 3,5-4,5 million. On the “My achievements” deployed on this platform was raised more than 100 thousand jobs, developed by the Moscow methodologists and teachers. In the Moscow center of education quality Mar open online test for students, which enabled the students to objectively assess their level of knowledge and identify “gaps” that they were able to pull up in preparation for the exam.