Both genredigering and genetic modification (GMO) is today subject to strict legislation in the EUROPEAN union. As of today there are no Norwegian shops that sell genetically modified food.

the Topic has long been very controversial.

in General, there is a widespread perception that the europeans are negative for GMO. But according to the new survey, which is conducted by GENEInnovate in Norway, it can seem like nothing is on time.

– We have seen a change of attitude among the population and it is very interesting, ” says the head of the Bioteknologirådet, Ole Frithjof Norheim.

Replacing chemistry with biology

One of the examples that were given in the new survey, the problem was with the fungal pests of Norwegian potatoes.

This is one of the biggest challenges in the Norwegian agriculture.

Some of the genes in the potato makes tørråtesopp, bacteria and viruses can penetrate into, and infect it.

Farmers spend a lot of time and money to spray the potatoes with chemicals, which is a challenge for both the health and the environment.

using genredigering one can make the Norwegian potato resistant to dry rot.

– instead of using chemistry, i.e. sprøytemidlene, so one can either use the biology, ” says Sigrid Bratlie, who is the author of the report and prosjektmedlem in GENEInnovate.

Here black around 70 per cent of the around 2000 that participated in the survey, that genredigering as a tool to reduce pesticides and crop losses, is positive.

BELIEVE IN CHANGE: It that befolkningas attitudes are changing, think Bratlie also can lead to a political change in the long term.

Manufacturers need reply

the Purpose of the new report was to investigate the attitude to the technology in the Norwegian population. It is a collaboration between Norsvin, Geno, AquaGen, Graminor, Norway’s environment and biovitenskapelige university (NMBU) and Bioteknologirådet.

the Survey shows that many consumers are concerned about the risk, but that they have pretty high confidence that genredigerte products, which are developed by Norwegian manufacturers and approved by the Norwegian authorities, are safe for your health and the environment.

– None of the manufacturers are interested in making products if the population does not want to buy them, or that are not safe for human health and the environment, ” says Bratlie.

In addition, over half of the respondents that genredigering is a good method to improve animal and fiskehelsa, by the fact that cows and pigs are resistant to diseases.

So going on genredigering

There are currently potetsorter which is not attacked by the fungus. The short answer is you can copy the genetic code from a resistant potetsort over in a second. Then you can get rid of the problem, explains Bratlie.

with the help of this method, scientists have also been able to create tomato plants that provide greater yields. Here, they have edited the properties in the plant. The result was changes in the fruktstørrelse, the form and structure of the plant.

CRISPR is the newest method researchers use to change the DNA in plants and animals.

When to use an enzyme may cut in the genetic material (DNA strands) of the product. In this way can the researchers remove, add or replace the DNA exactly where you want, to achieve better results.

GENREDIGERT: These sjampinjongene is genredigerte to not be brown.

Photo: PennState/Flickr An important debate

One of the overall goals and objectives by possibly make use of the technology, is to provide for a more sustainable food production worldwide.

In the best case it can lead to less matsvinn, better animal health and less use of chemicals.

But the arguments against allowing the technology drop to, is also many.

Something is related to the ethical, while many people are worry for the consequences this may have for the environment and our ecosystems, ” explains Ole Frithjof Norheim.

– There are still many who are skeptical, and that one should take seriously. This technology can be used for both good and bad purposes. It is nevertheless very important to stimulate such a debate, and in this way increase the knowledge in the population, ” he says.

NEW ATTITUDES: Ole Frithjof Norheim think any of the development you now see is about the younger generation and environmental awareness.

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