Zoff between the prime ministers: Bavaria’s boss Markus Söder (CSU) called on the north to think about fracking. Lower Saxony’s boss Stephan Weil (SPD) immediately sent an energy policy tit-for-tat to Bavaria.

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil reacted angrily to the advice of his Bavarian counterpart Markus Söder to examine the use of fracking gas in northern Germany. “Is it still okay?!”, The SPD politician asked via Twitter after the CSU leader had made relevant statements. “Dear Markus Söder, how about finally wind power in Bavaria?” Weil added in the direction of the Bavarian Prime Minister.

In the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, Söder had raised the question of using domestic gas reserves in view of the energy shortage as a result of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. “Nobody wants yesterday’s fracking. But it makes sense to check whether there are new and environmentally friendly methods,” said the CSU leader. According to experts, there are large natural gas fields in Lower Saxony in particular,” added Söder.

Lower Saxony’s Economics Minister and CDU top candidate for the state elections on October 9, Bernd Althusmann, had expressed his opposition to fracking a few days ago and referred to the current legal ban. In fracking which is currently banned in Germany, gas or oil is extracted from layers of rock with the help of pressure and chemicals, which poses a risk to the environment.