It can absorb 12 tons of water in 14 seconds while moving across the water surface at more than 150 kilometers per hour. The Beriev Be-200 is a twin-engine Russian amphibious aircraft that has been fighting forest fires in Greece and Turkey, among other places, in recent years.

One of the planes from the fleet of the Russian Emergencies Ministry crashed in Turkey in the summer of 2021 and was destroyed. As a reaction, the production of six new planes was announced, which should also be used especially for missions abroad. And it’s obviously not going to stay that way.

The state technology and armaments group Rostec, to which Beriev belongs, has now announced: “In order to be able to start series production of the Be-200, the production facilities have been completely renewed.”

New production facilities have been set up in Taganrog, new equipment has been procured and new staff hired and trained.

“In the near future, two new aircraft will be delivered to the Ministry of Emergencies,” announces Rostec. According to Russian media, four examples are also to be sold to Algeria to fight forest fires.

Meanwhile, Rostec is not answering the most exciting question about the Beriev Be-200: Which engines should the new planes have?

The Be-200 is actually powered by the Iwchenko Progress D-436, which, however, comes from the Ukraine, which has been at war with Russia.

The Powerjet Sam 146 was planned as an alternative, but important parts of it come from Safran from France and Europe has enacted sanctions against Russia, banning deliveries to the local aircraft industry.

The Aviadvigatel PD-8, which is also to power the new version of the Superjet, could therefore also power the Be-200 in the future, although it is not yet ready for take-off.

This article was written by Timo Nowack

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The original of this article “Russia wants to mass-produce Beriev Be-200” comes from aeroTelegraph.