Seven lines of poetry about what easter really is.

This is what the church has been placed in newspapers across the country in an attempt to explain the passover, in such a pedagogical way that everyone understands it.

But several priests are wondering the. It mentions, for example, is not the resurrection of Jesus with a single word.

“It is too lacking in ambition. There is much more to say. Easter is about the resurrection, and that Christ was prepared to pay the highest price in order to procure us a place in God’s kingdom. They could have written,” says Jens Ole Christensen from Peace-Nazareth Churches in Copenhagen to Kristeligt Dagblad.

He and several other priests across the country – also believe that there should have been much more to say about the season, which is the most important.

the Ad, which is printed in Politiken, Berlingske, Jyllands-Posten, Kristeligt Dagblad and Jysk Fynske Media, looks like this:

‘Easter is that life always runs in advance.
When you halser away with hudsult and håndsprit
hjemmeskole and shortness of breath
so, life is always ahead.
And now, today, he turns about
and smiles to you.
Then it’s easter.’

another priest attacks the to take a little bit of light on today’s problems with coronakrisen and to be smart in a hurry.’

It is the 10 bishops who stands behind the ad, but it is the priest at the Godthåbskirken in Frederiksberg, Kirsten Jørgensen, who has written the text.

She would call it a lyrical interpretation rather than a poem.

in Addition, she believes that it is a holdningsspørgsmål in terms of how direct you should be. For although she does not mention christ’s resurrection with the words, this is the ad still on just that.

“My task has been to formulate something that can give a sense and a meaning to it, which is the essence of easter. Without the consent of, and dogmatic. And the essence, it is christ’s resurrection, of course,” she says to Kristeligt Dagblad.