This week the publishing house Simon & Schuster published the book Mary trump “Too much and always wanting more: how my family created the most dangerous man in the world”, the protagonist of which is the uncle of the author, and concurrently the President of the United States Donald trump. This book, publication of which has already been tried to prevent, the number of derogatory epithets against Donald trump, it seems, surpassed all other books about this man.Mary trump — daughter older brother Donald trump Frederick trump, Jr. Being a clinical psychologist, Mary in his book tried to look at his uncle from the point of view of their profession and do not skimp on medical terminology and means of expression of speech to explain what his problem and what exactly did Donald trump as he is.The Apple from Jablonki view of Mary, the problems of Donald trump, as it often happens, from childhood. She writes that over the ugly features of his character are primarily relationship with the father — Fred trump. That being, in her words, a sociopath and very powerful man, humiliated and suppressed households. He taught his children never to apologize because it is perceived by the people as weakness.And he learned to lie, “the lie has become a way of self-aggrandizement that helped to convince others that he’s better than he really is”. He has for a long time and perhaps even up to the present time preserved in the habit of seeking her father’s approval, even now after his death. “All the misdeeds and sins of Donald becomes a kind of request for praise from his father as if he were saying, “See, dad, I’m cool”,”— said the author. Photo: Getty Images”the Father destroyed the ability of Donald to try and show the whole range of human emotions. Limiting the feelings of the son, and pointing out that many of them unacceptable, Fred perverted the perception of the world of his son and undermined his ability to live in this world,” writes the author.The family is not without wrodaw eldest of the sons, Frederick, the father of Mary — not enough flexibility to become like Donald, says Ms. trump. Frederick wanted to become a pilot, work in aviation, and not in the family business of Trumps. For that the father regularly abused the eldest son, and Donald echoed the father, constantly reminding Frederick that he and his father believe he has his weak points. At some point, Frederick could not resist, he became depressed and had problems with alcohol. He died at the age of just 42 years from the effects of alcoholism. Mary trump claims that this is “Donald killed my father.”Fred trump, seeing a worthy successor of his case to Donald, made a bet on him to through his middle son to realize his unfulfilled dreams of a great glory. “Looking back, I can say that Fred was manipulat��rum — although at first glance it was not clear how he’s pulling the son’s strings. Fred was ready to put millions of dollars into his son, because he was sure that he would be able to use his abilities and skills, a genius of self-promotion, shameless liar and businessman to achieve the one thing that always eluded him: a level of glory commensurate with the size of his ego and satisfy his ambitions, which could never make money,” writes Mary trump.Then it included a picture of mother and wife.”Very level-headed genius”Acquired in childhood, the ability to lie repeatedly useful Donald Trump in life, writes Mary. He rarely had their own to achieve something, “he never demanded honest work, no matter how seriously he lost some business, he still received a reward.” She cites the example of a case where the uncle had paid his friend, so he instead passed the test required for admission to the University of Pennsylvania. For example, when serious problems arose, one of casino Donald in Atlantic city, Fred trump sent his driver with $3 million, so he bought chips, thereby supporting the institution. Despite the fact that this ultimately did not help. However, the Donald sure tells Mary that he achieved everything in life itself, by its merits, “even if that meant cheating,” and he quite seriously calls himself a “very well-balanced genius.”In his words and actions, she writes, found compliance with all nine criteria of the clinical definition of narcissism. In addition, he may be suffering antisocial personality disorder, dependent personality disorder and has learning disabilities because of which it is difficult to analyze the information. “Pathology Donald is so complex, and patterns of behavior are often so inexplicable that the installation of accurate and complete diagnosis would require a complex psychological and neurophysiological testing, but he never will not do it”— sums up Mary trump.Photo: Getty Madegascar experience, she explains, and his eternal quest to win or at least look like a winner. This was manifested at every moment, even in the most seemingly simple situations. For example, when he played with his cousins and sisters. “Even with young children, Donald had to come out a winner,” writes Mary trump. According to the niece of the President, so treat him now his advisers by allowing “Trump be trump.”Very similar describes this situation in his acclaimed memoir, “the room where it all happened: a Memoir of the White house,” former adviser to Donald trump, John Bolton. “Briefings on national security was useless because most of the time whenaccounted for listening to trump, rather than those briefed,” says the former adviser admitting that the President so often said things that are not corresponding to the truth, that he had to make special marks in the book about his phrases. “His mind is an archipelago of points (like real estate transactions), and we had to decipher a political idea or to invent it,” adds Bolton.And when the day of the announcement of the results she saw uncle win, “it feels like 636 979 62 of the electorate voted for the transformation of our country into macroverse our dysfunctional family.” According to her, she decided to write these memoirs, because he did not want to Donald trump “ruined my country as he killed my father.”Photo: Patrick Semansky, Arcak and the memoirs of John Bolton, the book of Mary trump was trying to prevent printing. The younger brother of Donald Robert trump through the court injunction banning the publication of the book, arguing that it violates the terms signed in 2001 by the heirs of Fred trump non-disclosure agreements. But in the end the court gave its approval to the publication.The President trump has not commented on the book to his niece. But the White house has said that the book distorted many facts. “The President describes relationship with her father as warm and said that father was very kind to him— said CNN spokeswoman Sarah Matthews.— According to him, he was a loving father and not treat him as a child severely”.Alena Miklashevskaya