according to the Deputy from “United Russia”, people in almost two decades, waited for the Park. Built in 1964, the model cinema Sevastopol received the standard for their peers biography. Until the end of the Soviet era it was the center of attraction for residents of the area and favorite vacation spot. Then the crisis came. In 2000-ies, the building burned down in 2010, he was returned to city property, and then a few years to decide what you can do with him.

Among the proposals was the construction of new public buildings, and more. But the winner was the simplest concept would be to landscape the area, connecting it with the waterfront Shitova and Children’s Cherkizovsky Park. “In my opinion, it is, oddly enough, the best option, said Boskin. – The ruins of the theater makes sense to consider not as a separate building, and given its function, the centre of district life. To do this, 60 years ago identified the site for this “Sevastopol” once built.

Now this place is safe and friendly space for walking, green meadow near the water in the center of a densely populated area. In the modern metropolis, this space is much more valuable than almost any building, especially a new building in the green zone. The fact that excessive development has been avoided – this is certainly a victory for the residents of the area.

a New modern rest area opened where once stood the cinema Sevastopol, destroyed by fire in 2000-ies. The improvement in this mini-Park was quite simple: having examined the ruins of the theater – 7.5 thousand tons of construction waste on the site brought the fertile soil, made a lawn with an area of more than 6 thousand square meters, paved path system and installed new lights. Feature of the project – the choice of turf: this grass, particularly ryegrass, Timothy, meadow and red fescue. These herbs form a natural covering, resembling a natural meadow – this is the option chosen in a survey of residents of the area.

As reminded Buskin, earlier in Moscow was organized 18 new protected areas with a total area more than 1 thousand 730 hectares.

“Moscow every year more aware of how necessary each of the residents fresh air, trees, the ability to see the natural landscape, not distorted by anthropogenic influences. New protected areas mean that more green areas are protected by law and, therefore, preserved for future generations of Muscovites,” – said Igor Baskin.