While in the beginning was clearly the most men, was found to be sick with coronavirus, it is now the most women.

In the first 14 days of the Danish coronakrise glancing, many men probably infuriating to their Y-chromosome.

Among the danes, who tested positive for Covid-19, were more than two-thirds-namely, men.

Since the picture has changed, so the from the 12. march and until now in the site are women, with 55 percent of the registered smittetilfælde constitute the majority.

According to the afdelingslæge Peter Henrik Andersen, at Statens Serum Institut, the development has probably a practical reason.

– In relation to the first phase, I believe that there are good indications that this is due to there was many of the tested, who had been skiing in the alps.

– And it has manifestly a greater extent been men than women, he says.

And when it is most women who are tested positive, it has, according to Peter Henrik Andersen, by all accounts, an equally practical reason.

– It is due to there now being tested far more among the health workforce, and there are more women than men. So therefore beats the more out in the statistics now, he says.

Question: But can you say anything about whether the Covid-19 most affect men or women?

– There have been a large epidemiological study in China among about 70,000 cases, and there was an almost equal gender balance.

– On the right of the large figures, you could not see any certain gender difference, so it is also not immediately my expectation that there will be in Denmark on the long course.

Question: So, there is no evidence that estrogen may be protective against the virus?

– No, not in addition to men always are generally a little more prone to infections than women are, says Peter Henrik Andersen.

a Total of 3672 persons per 3. april found infected with the coronavirus. Of these is the 1854 women, while 1818 are men.

Looking only at the time forward to 12. march was 68 percent of the registered smittetilfælde among men.

In the time after 12. march is 55% of registered smittetilfælde women.

Of the so far 139 the dead are 46 women and 93 are men.
