Coronapandemien increases Denmark’s vulnerability to foreign powers and extremists, who exploit the crisis. Preparedness is increased, says the minister of defence.

at the same time, with Denmark struggling to slow down coronasmittens ravages, will foreign powers and extremists exploit the incalculable crisis to spread harmful påvirkningskampagner and gather intelligence on preparedness and infrastructure in Denmark and other western countries, writes Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Monday.

this is the sound of the warning from the defence minister Trine Team and the intelligence agencies in Norway and Sweden. The global epidemic “increases Denmark’s vulnerability”, and which is already seen examples of negative påvirkningskampagner turned against Denmark, says Trine Team.

this is Why preparedness has been increased in both Denmark and in the Danish representations could in the world.

“There is reason for great concern. There is no doubt that foreign powers will exploit the crisis. There is bl.a. the risk of dissemination of myths that can harm Denmark’s reputation and have a negative impact on both trade, tourism and affect the perception of threat in Denmark,” she says, and confirms that the ministry bl.a. is familiar with a fake video in China, where Danish schoolchildren sing antikinesiske songs.

Trine Team warns also that the foreign powers — during and after the crisis — can attempt to purchase the Danish infrastructure companies, such as the pga. the crisis on the lack of money.

in Addition, there is a risk of cyber-attacks, and that the extremists can more easily recruit ailing persons.

In Norway, warns the Police Security service (PST) that the pandemic open the way for the foreign powers “can use the murky situation to spread false information” and obtain intelligence on Norway.

“We know that individual foreign states’ intelligence services are watching on the Norwegian authorities ‘ crisis response and preparedness, says a senior adviser Annett Aamodt from PST:

“We also expect that there will be calls to spread the coronavirus to selected persons or groups, as the extremists consider as enemies.”

the Same dire threats disassembly of Klas Friberg, head of the Swedish security police Säpo:

“Coronakrisen has led to an increased vulnerability for Sweden. This is exploited by foreign powers. Extremists who use violence, also take advantage of the situation.”