Millennial x ray picture discovered in India

an international team of scientists described the hundreds of petroglyphs found on the territory of India. The age of the earliest of them is about 30 thousand years. One of the drawings has been extremely rare.

a study published in the journal Antiquity. A rare image, as well as hundreds of other drawings were found near the source of the river Betwa in the Central state of Madhya Pradesh. The first samples of rock art was found here in 1976.

In the new study, described in detail hundreds of drawings, found on the slopes. Their age varies considerably. The earliest of these was formed about 30 thousand years ago, and the latest date from around the year 1500 ad. Accordingly, the drawings vary in style, color, subject and patina.

one of them shows a man squatting over a deer, apparently, produced on the hunt. This is indicated by the arrow which pierced the side of the animal. In his left hand the man holds a knife. Scientists believe that it is prepared to butcher the carcass. Bow and spear lying on the ground beside him.

Deer are drawn not just naturalistic. His picture scientists compared x-ray. Animal-drawn contour red paint, and artist details drawn his internal organs. “X-ray” picture was so detailed that it was possible to determine the morphology. Scientists believe that it was a swamp deer species Barasingha.

not Far from the hunter’s carcass next, another depicted S-shaped human figure, apparently watching the butchering deer. By the way, both men are depicted with the same headdresses made from feathers. The figure is present and the third person. He goes to the stag, holding bow and spear.

these stories are extremely rare. In India, for example, so far found only one drawing, depicting the scene of the butchering of the slain animal on the hunt.

we Add that ancient cave paintings were painted in green, red and white colors. They include images of animals and 80 67 people. The scientists also found a bird and a flower. One image is unidentifiable. Of the 297 152 of the discovered drawings are well preserved, and the rest had faded.

Among the animal images are dominated by deer, wild boars and buffaloes. They are all painted in a naturalistic style. Five drawings look like images of animals. But they were too faded to identify them.