Important sausage recall in Germany: The meat manufacturer zur Mühlen Gruppe has to withdraw the cervelat sausage from “ja!” from the market. Products with an expiry date of August 15, 2022 are affected.

The meat manufacturer zur Mühlen Gruppe warns of plastic foreign bodies in cervelat sausage. As a precaution, the company based in Schleswig-Holstein is calling a batch of the product “ja! Delicatessen Cervelatwurst 200g” back, as announced on Friday.

Only products with the best before date August 15, 2022 and the number 4388840218462 are affected. It is a purely precautionary measure.

“The reason for the precautionary recall of the affected batch of the affected article is small blue plastic debris. The company therefore reacted immediately and had the affected product withdrawn from sale immediately,” the statement said.

The product was therefore sold in all federal states, except in Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thuringia.