Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX — the Low mortality in Russia from the coronavirus confirms the correctness of the adopted in the country of anti-epidemic measures, the speaker of Council of Federation Valentina Matvienko.

“Today we can firmly say that these measures were correct, the necessary. And only thanks to the discipline of the absolute majority of our citizens understand the necessity of these measures and a clear action of the authorities in Russia managed to prevent an explosive epidemic,” said Matvienko “Interfax”.

In her words, “this means that our health care system was given time to deploy additional beds, for the construction of new hospitals.” “Name one country, where in such a short time had built so many hospitals and deployed such a large number of new beds, to create the conditions to treat anyone who is sick,” continued Matvienko.

“This regime is justified. We see that today we can talk about the output is on a plateau and about a certain slowdown,” — said the speaker of the Federation Council.

He noted that “the President once said and warned of: the most important measures to preserve the health and lives of people at the corner place only. Based on the recommendations sanitary-epidemiological services have taken measures.”

She pointed out that “in General, Russia was acting according to strictly worked-out scenario, has developed a strategy to combat the epidemic of the coronavirus, and the strategy itself, it was worthwhile.”