In social networks spread the images of the masks (mascaron – kind sculptural decoration of the building in the form of a human head or animal face) on the facade of the 120-year old building of the Art Museum named after Kroshitskiy, which restored for the first time in 60 years. The face on one of them visibly plumper, lines have blurred. Internet users have speculated that the mask is “swollen” as a result of restoration. Others joked that the architectural detail put on weight after isolation.

the Scandal has drawn attention to the quality problem of the restoration of monuments. Social activists have for many years sought the creation of urban restoration workshops, which would have worked Sevastopol professionals who know the history of the city and with great trepidation related to his cultural heritage. However, until major work is done a little familiar with the Sebastopol contractors and scandals in this area – no end.

Officials were quick to respond that the work on the Museum building Kroshitskiy is not yet complete and criticize restorers before.

All masks on the facade of different, to compare them with each other it is impossible, – told reporters acting head of Senslide Irina Maslikova. – Walks on the Internet the picture where one of the masks is significantly different from the other. But initially it was so.

Maslikova reported that the contractor has no right to change the appearance of decorative elements, since the building is a cultural heritage site.

the Director of the Department of capital construction of Sevastopol Hilarion of Kapitonov assured that, if a contractor somewhere screws up, he will not pay and force you to redo everything.

To reassure the public I want to note that not a penny of budget money is not spent on work, which is now criticized, the official said. – They will be paid only after they will be experts.

the Situation said acting Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhaev on his page in Instagram.

“it still isn’t finished, and bas-reliefs, in simple language, is still not set to end. Savaslejka monitors the progress of the works and monitors compliance with project solutions and author’s supervision. And, of course, you can go to any object in the middle of work and start to criticize,” replied Razvozhaev one of the subscribers.

Photo strange mask published member of the public Council under the Department of capital construction of Sevastopol, the architect and restorer Anatoly Pralnikov. He told “RG” that saw serious violations and reported them to the representatives of the contractor and officials. However, no one responded.

I saw gross violations of the rules of production restoration of plaster products, – says Pryashnikov. – It consists of three stages. First, perform a wipe from the external layers: dirt, old paint, plaster. Then the recovery of lost plots. And in the end the strengthening and preservation. The first phase of the long and laborious. The layers need to manually clear the item, macerating the special composition of the later layers, which appeared as a result of numerous restorations. But instead, the contractor was limited to only mechanized cleaning of the surface from dirt and paint method of blasting (blast cleaning using abrasive). It quickly and economically.

the Building of Art Museum – one of the few survivors in Sevastopol during the great Patriotic war. The photos of the war years shows that the walls and roof was not damaged, traces of hit of shells there. Above the arched second floor Windows visible all the nine masks. However, consider the details in these photos can not. There are also no pre-war pictures.

– Why this mask is so “swollen”? continues restorer. – A new worker came in, threw a layer of putty. The architects could not create this swollen face such unnatural features. They were formed during previous restorations. Now the mask is cleaned, the sun highlighted, and the “monster” came out in all its glory.

talk about the fact that the work is not completed, the mask is finally “don’t cut”, leading experts in horror. So you can lose the sculptural decoration. Perplexing cause and promises of the officials to force a “redo”.

the Restoration is not construction, says Pryashnikov. During the construction can be converted, in extreme cases, even demolish and rebuild. And, if restoration is impossible, as you will lose the object of protection. And everything is lost, will be a remake. In any case, you cannot give to a contractor to perform the work, and then say “modify”.

According to him, the main problem is that contractors are engaged to work ordinary builders and plasterers, not restorers with the license. And the license of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation on the restoration work for a company where one or two members have received the necessary certification, and the rest don’t even know how such work is to execute.

– These examples have circle – explains Pryashnikov. – At the Tauride staircase, which is the object of cultural heritage of Crimean stone is applied the usual limestone. Authentic stone, why it was dumped. In the Park at the Vladimir Cathedral grinder skived stones, whitewashed and gave restoration. There was a scandal, the Department of capital construction promised to the contractor the balance of the money will not pay and force you to redo it. But two years have passed, nobody did anything, not held accountable. The planned restoration of the facades in the Central city ring, and there the same problems can not be avoided.

help “RG”

The restoration of the Museum Kroshitskiy (home of the merchant Gavalova 1899) is provided by the Federal target program of development of Crimea and Sevastopol. The cost of 505 million rubles, of which 310 are provided for construction works and 195 – for the purchase of equipment. It was planned that the will be fulfilled the restoration of the facade capital repairs of internal premises, replacement of floor slabs, waterproofing of the Foundation. Work began in January 2019, but then stopped. At the beginning of 2020 with the contractor firm “Guar” – terminated the contract. A few months later she signed a new one, but now only the restoration of the facade. When you are working inside the building is unknown. The Museum temporarily moved the paintings in the foyer of the cinema “Moscow”.