Reform and again reform, said the head of state, quoted by his press service, but only as a perfection of what we have, clarified his position by the President. “Be it education, health, industry or agriculture,” he said.

Tasks to the country, according to Lukashenko, are very difficult. But some reforms, these challenges will not solve, he says, explaining that in the Republic of Belarus “reform can only be in one direction – as the perfection of what we have,” believes the Belarusian leader. He noted that the country has the appropriate competencies and school.

Drew the attention of the speaker and on the need for balanced development of the country, stressing that Minsk – the city special, the card of the country, political, economic, scientific, cultural center of the state. He recalled how in recent decades the developed infrastructure of the capital, including the construction of a new building of the National library. Significant efforts have been made for the construction of modern sports facilities, which allowed for a high level to host the II European games. “It was a breakthrough. If you want a diplomatic breakthrough,” – said Lukashenko.

According to him, in the first years of his presidency, the order began to direct it to the capital. “Resources, power, what was then, all invested here”, – he reminded. Only later in the country turned his gaze to the regions.

the Head of state spoke about how in recent decades the developed infrastructure of the capital. Significant efforts have been made for the construction of modern sports facilities, which in particular, allowed for a high level to host the II European games. “It was a breakthrough. If you want a diplomatic breakthrough,” he said.

Speaking about the main tasks for the coming five years, Lukashenka has turned into one of them and the transition to the production of electric vehicles. “We’re just not supposed to lag. If we fall behind, it will be bad. It is therefore difficult, hard, but we have to escape and, at least in any case not to be left behind.”

Focused asset President and on the importance of maintaining production performance and technological discipline, noting that in recent time it began to pay more attention. In fact, he explained that, if there is no quality in manufacturing – the economy will collapse. “Because quality – based exports. And without exports, the country can not live, will not exchange” – reasonably said the leader of Belarus.

Lukashenko Paid attention to and combating corruption, which is called rust, degrading the human. “And I don’t want Belarus has plunged into the abyss,” said he.

Raised by the President and town planning perspectives of the city, expressing the belief t��m that the capital can not overpopulate. “We will develop satellite towns, but in Minsk it is necessary to reduce the construction”, – he stressed, Recalling in this regard that “while a city-wide queue in need of better housing conditions has almost 200 thousand families”.

the President has offered “to return to the General plan, approve it and submit it to the citizens, so they understand how we move in the next five years,” – concluded Lukashenko.