In these days making Norwegian whalers themselves ready for this year’s catch. Wednesday 1. april begins the hunt for 1278 minke whales. This year’s quota is the same as last year.

at the same time take one of Britain’s richest men, called for Norway to have to stop completely with the whaling.

Barbaric and old fashioned

– the Time has come to Norway to recognize that commercial whaling is barbaric, old-fashioned and unnecessary, writes Michael Ashcroft in a post in the Mail on Sunday.

Lord Ashcroft is a former deputy chairman of The conservative party. He is known to give large contributions to the party. He is also a well-known opponent of whaling.

I think it is impossible for such a rich country as Norway to justify the slaughter of hundreds of minke whales each year. I don’t buy the argument “that this is part of our tradition,” writes Ashcroft.

to emphasize how wrong he thinks this is showing Ashcroft that slavery was a part of the british tradition until 1833.

He also points out that children in fireårsalderen were used to sweep chimneys in the united Kingdom. This stopped the british in 1840, writes lorden.

– Tradition, in the sense of to preserve the good customs from one generation to another, to be valued. When tradition is used as an excuse to perpetuate injustice, it should beklages.

Living in several minutes

There are around 100 000 minke whales in Norwegian waters. The population is not threatened. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why the Uk must stop with catch, mean Ashcroft. He says they are beautiful creatures and deserve our protection.

In the last year was 429 minke whale shot out of a quota of 1278 animal. It was the worst season so far.

Ashcroft believes that the harpoon has its weaknesses. In 80 per cent of the cases, dies, the whale quickly. In the remaining 20%, the whale, live in several minutes. In many cases kills the whalers also pregnant animals, writes lorden.

He also points out that the interest in whale meat in Norway is small. Most goes to animal feed or is exported to Japan and Iceland. He also responds that the Norwegian authorities is to promote the meat domestically, as a healthy alternative to red meat.


board Member in the Norwegian Småkvalfangerlag, Ole Mindor Myklebust is shocked when he hears the reasoning of Ashcroft. He believes the british rikingen not understand what is happening in nature.

board Member in the Norwegian Småkvalfangerlag, Ole Mindor Myklebust says he is shocked by the criticism from the british billionaire and politician Michael Ashcroft, which requires that Norway stop whaling.

Photo: Torild Øvrelid / NRK

– We can not talk about sustainable management without and also managing marine mammals. They have a consumption in our waters which is five times more than we fish in the same area.

Myklebust, who has been on whaling since 1967, believes that Norway should rather step up the catch. Only two per cent of the food we humans eat comes from the sea. At the same time overbeskatter we resources on the dry land, ” says Myklebust.