Le Gammeltoft has had to fire more than a quarter of its employees after coronakrisen have put pressure on her business.

“It has not been an easy decision, one can safely say. But as a director I have a responsibility that the company is sustainable,” says DJ and former P3-host Le Gammeltoft, who in 2013 became the medium Heartbeats.

She talks to B. T., that the Heartbeats had 22 permanent staff, and that six of them were dismissed Monday.

“Everyone thought it was a skoddag, it is clear. But there is a tremendous support, and all agree that we need to keep the hand under the company, so that it can come back strong, and it is indeed touching to see that one’s servants on the way to really have put the heart in the company,” she says and adds:

“But we also know that if we see better times, so we get the opportunity to retrieve them back.”

At the press conference on Monday chose Mette Frederiksen gently open to the possibility that the danes already on the 14 days can get out of quarantine, if the low outlook for the number of infected continues.

Therefore, you can ask Le Gammeltoft, if it is not too early and too drastic to throw in the towel and fire the more than a quarter of the Heartbeats’ permanent.

“I don’t think society is coming up on 100 percent of the same. We are going to be less betalingsvillige and conservative about what we spend money on – and it makes companies also. I think we will be affected the rest of the year. It is a little sad.”

the Heartbeats are funded by commercial partnerships.

And even before corona-the situation had udviket to a full-blown crisis, she could see how companies chose to spend their money on other things than to advertise with Heartbeats.

Therefore, it seems she does not, it is too hard to fire so many, and reduce wages to the remaining employees of the year.

She is in a difficult situation, because her business is in growth, and therefore gets hit twice as hard, she explains.

“If we should just keep the status quo, then it would have been fine. But I should have doubled my turnover in a year, and I have recruited people and planned costs after,” she says, and directs a sharp criticism against the government’s stimulus packages.

“the Government has just not been awake. Business affairs does not know what it means to have a growth company. Simon Kollerup simply do not have a handle on how we are hit double.”

Friday, told Le Gammeltoft to B. T. that she was struggling for its business.

“As ceo and founder I must cut all places. Unsubscribe cleaning and fruit basket, hand leasingbilen back. Every penny saved is needed if you want to hold on to its employees,” she said.

“Everybody is scared and bored of it, but there will be bony through at home, even if people have children on his lap. It is a difficult balance to keep the momentum. If I send employees home, I can not produce, and so dies my business.”

on Monday, after fyringsrunden, she says that she has had to take arbejdshandskerne on.

“We should be out of it here, and it should go fast. So we must look at what options we have. Are there new areas of business, we can look into? What is required for that Heartbeats may have downloaded some of these people back,” she says.

“I have it not very good. I am hugely concerned that to say goodbye to the amazing staff, I like very much. It is a cliche, but it is my family.”