Directly to China together several subjects. Relevant – try at any cost to “personify” the threat of a pandemic and coronavirus, respectively, to find the culprit in large losses for the United States, and along with the mistakes and failures of the administration in countering the infection. It is in principle a “favorite” subject in America – not to fight with the invisible and uncomfortable enemy, like a virus, or international terrorism, and “to appoint” someone who can impose sanctions or other force. And therefore began a “competition” between Congress and the White house, who better to “saddle” the story with a condemnation of China and has already launched a series of legislative sanctions initiatives.

in Addition to the actual has a medium-term story, which is tied to the autumn presidential elections. It seems the Chinese theme of “run in” as analogous to “Russian interference” in the context of past elections. The US President Donald trump has said that disappointed in China in the situation of the coronavirus, and hinted that it may jeopardize the trade agreement between the two countries. We can predict that “fires” at us-China track will erupt until after the election.

But there is a long-term theme of mutual confrontation between the two powers, which many have hastened to present as a kind of a new bipolarity. In this long-term context, the China-bashing will obviously continue after the election, because Beijing as planned should be excluded from the winners of the pandemic (that didn’t work out with the USSR after the Second world war, as too obvious was the Soviet Union’s role in defeating Nazism, but now we see that it is just postponed for today).

the United States only tried on to serious confrontation with China (however, trump has already begun to deal with excessive dependence on its main competitor, threatening to impose new taxes on American companies that produce goods outside the United States). For us it will be interesting to see what role assign our country in this context.

according to analysts, scenario two: one of them America is invited to quickly complete artificial conflict with Russia, which only brings it closer to China. After all, even the giants of American foreign policy bequeathed to US in the three of US-Russia-China to join with the third party against the main enemy, and in this role is clearly not Russia.

another model is considered to be that the concessions of Russia (among which the main is left alone our neighbors) is too large and the willingness of Moscow to quarrel with Beijing for the sake of America’s interests on the contrary is estimated to be extremely small, and because the game is not worth the candle. They say, “the free world” and so great and powerful, and cope with “roar��sioniste” alone.

which of the concepts will prevail, will depend on Washington’s attitude toward Russia in the context of the growing confrontation with China. Apparently, it will not be boring. Even more interesting, now who “intervene” in the American elections – Russia, China, or maybe even somebody else…?

Source: website of Senator Konstantin Kosachev in .