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While all of the resorts in Norway is koronastengt, Kongstinden alpine centre in Svolvær open as usual.

According to Alpinanleggenes Association, which organizes 209 resorts in Norway, is Kongstind probably the only hafjell alpine centre open.

Kommuneoverlegen in Vågan municipality has given permission to keep open both this week and at easter.

Will not provoke

Kjersti Eline Tønnesen Bush says that most are happy that alpinsenteret is open. – But some have reacted negatively on Facebook, ” she says.

Photo: John Inge Johansen / NRK

– We are not doing this to provoke anyone, but to facilitate safe outdoor activity for locals, ” says Kjersti ElineTønnesen Bush, who is the leader in Svolvær alpinklubb.

In consultation with the kommuneoverlegen it introduced strict smitteverntiltak as to close the skistua and restrooms.

– We have a lift that only takes one person at a time. In practice, there is little or no queuing with us, ” she says.

Bush tells Kongstinden is a small hafjell alpine centre just for locals in Svolvær. Alpinklubben is a dugnadsdrevet organization that has responsibility for the operation of the alpinsenteret.

– Our hills can compare with to have open cross-country trails, she believes.

Nedringt of other municipalities,

OPENED: Kongstid alpine centre will also stay open during easter. This picture is taken 3. march.

Photo: John Inge Johansen / NRK

Kommuneoverlege Jan Håkon Juul in Vågan defender to stay open.

He has also been nedringt of other kommuneleger in the country that is curious on what basis he has given his blessing.

– hafjell alpine centre in Svolvær is small and transparent. The elevators take only one person at a time. In addition, there are strict measures in heiskøen. It is only possible to stand one and one. When will the skis create the distance that must to that it does not spread the infection.

After nearly three weeks with koronatiltak think kommuneoverlegen that people take smittetiltakene seriously.

People are so enlightened now that they will take their precautions for not spreading the infection.

Has lost 30 per cent of the income

the general Secretary Camilla Sylling Clausen in Alpinanleggenes Association is surprised that the Kongstinden alpine centre is open.

– I shall be careful not to say anything about that it is open in Svolvær. Kommunelegen certainly has taken a decision based on the guidelines coming from the Norwegian institute of public health.

She emphasizes that the Norwegian resorts are on this common national dugnaden.

But it has its price. Several hundred people are laid off and Clausen estimates that the plants have lost 30 per cent of the revenues after that they had to close.

VERY difficult SITUATION: Camilla Sylling Klausen in Alpinanleggenes Association.

Photo: Ola Matsson

– There is no pleasant situation. It is a real crisis we are in.

Now working keep hard to influence the politicians to come up with a rescue package that is customized to alpinbransjens needs..

– Now comes the easter week, which is very important for us. We are talking about major loss of revenue. We are totally dependent on support in order to avoid bankruptcies.

With laid off employees and large inntektstapet will make it difficult to maintain lifts and other equipment – as is done in the summer.

We are in a unique position. We hope to be able to come back. But after easter is the season over and then we will have to wait until the next season.

Door ajar

SPECTACULAR VIEWS: Kongstind alpine centre is located in Svolvær and has a view over the Lofoten islands.

Photo: John Inge Johansen / NRK

At a press conference today, the enlightened director Bjørn Guldvog that he will facilitate that several can work out together, but not more than five and tometersgrensen must be followed.

Thus, the sports facilities throughout the country opened for the training, even though all of the races are still excluded.

It can be operated organized activity, but within the strict smittevernrådene health authorities have recommended.

Kongstid alpine rejoicing over the news.

It all adds up to a sensible assessment from each sports team. In the alpine stand not together, and coach. We are up and running at the range. This means that you can now consider to start up with training, ” says Kjersti Eline Tønnesen Bush in Svolvær alpinklubb.

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