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The cure, as we involuntarily go through now, is so dramatic and may be so prolonged, that I think the changes we now are being forced through in much bigger degree will sit, ” says Carlo Aall, klimaforskar by Vestlandsforsking.

Koronakrisa do that Norway is being digitized in record time. Forskaren think many of the new vanane our will be with us in the period after the koronakrisa. Especially in the workplace.

– I think we feel that we will save a lot of time, money, and emissions when we are not taking a physical meeting every time a want to talk with any man, ” says Aall.

A revolution

The City council has video conferencing become part of the new life, ” explains appointed interim mayor Alfred Bjørlo (V).

– This has been a revolution in scale and the use of video conferencing. Both from three-four persons on the heimekontor, political meeting and meeting with people who sit far away, tell Bjørlo.

He is convinced that they will take with them new digital arbeidsvanar further. Bjørlo think the result may be fewer business trips, klimagevinst, and an easier life for many.

DIGITAL MEETING: After a little innkøyringsutfordringar, is now working videomøta as a cool, says City-appointed interim mayor Alfred Bjørlo. Here is the finansutvalet in the City municipality that has video conferencing.

Photo: Janet Endal Andersson / City municipality

– I think many people have gotten an aha-experience on how much this streamlines the arbeidskvardagen. It kuttar also in the need for travel and kuttar costs, ” says Bjørlo.

– Where you before going away in a day or two to travel to Bergen or Oslo for a short meeting, many have been assured that one can do the same digitally and can be a complete result.

Predicts the reduced flytilbod

Aall refers to research that says that vanar cannot be changed, but that particularly the travel and flyvanar sit far inside to change. But he thinks it still can happen.

The technological capacity for, and expertise about online increases dramatically, something that many likely will reduce the design also with the aircraft, ” says Aall.

Many airlines struggle now, as a result of nedskjeringar in air traffic. Aall think the consequence can be that some company goes bankrupt and that flytilbodet therefore be reduced.

About the number holiday travel by plane will go down, he is more unsure of.

– And I think it is more that the reduced attraction, and thus increased flyprisar will lead to a decline, than that the people largely voluntarily will choose away the holiday travel by plane.

Will have physical hits

Bransjesjef Wenche Salthella in the NHO Tourism is also sure that one will see the usefulness of the digital working methods also for koronakrisa.

If it means fewer business trips, she’s not as sure.

WILL STILL MEET: Bransjesjef Wenche Salthella in NHO Reiseliv think people will meet again at conferences and yrkesreiser when koronakrisa is over: – I don’t think we will be worse easier said than done for the reduction, but see the positive in that we have been given a digital development.

Photo: Renold Tennyson Christopher / NRK

– It is difficult to say. When this crisis is over and we feel it is safe again, I think the need to travel will be greater than ever before, says the Salthella.

Yrkesreiser and konferanseverksemd constitute an important part of the travel and tourism industry in Norway.

– Should there be reduction, due to digital solutions, there will, of course, go beyond the travel and tourism industry overall. But I think still people want to meet.

Hard to predict

a Leader in the Future in our hands, Anja Bakken Riise, think it is too early to say whether people will change vanane.

– However, if workers and enterprises are experiencing that videokonferansar works, it is perhaps no longer seen as neither lønnsamt or efficient to spend hours and money travelling to carry out internal or some external meeting.

If the same goes for holiday travel, again, to see, ” says Riise. For many it may be local holidays for the summer, she hope more and get his eyes up for travel in the surrounding area and in Norway.

HARD TO PREDICT: Anja Bakken Riise in the Future in our hands, says it is difficult to predict about the period after the koronakrisa, but hope that many will choose both videokonferansar and local holidays.

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