Julian Assange has twice become a father while hiding in the Embassy of Ecuador in London

Julian Assange Julian Assange
Photo: CancillerĂ­a del Ecuador / flickr.com

South African lawyer Stella Morris told the newspaper The Daily Mail that she and the Wikileaks founder had a couple kids during his residence in the territory of Embassy of Ecuador in London. The eldest son Gabriel three years, Junior max a year.

the Lawyer explained that he decided to tell the children about Assange, because seriously feared for his health because of the pandemic, COVID-19, reports “Interfax”. He is serving his sentence in the UK for violating the terms of bail and is in “severe physical and psychological condition.”

Morris is afraid that the coronavirus is the founder of Wikileaks will not experience it.

we will Remind, the British government 11 APR 2019 arrested WikiLeaks founder in Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he was in 2012.

the Refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador Assange asked to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he was accused of rape and harassment and coercion to acts of a sexual nature. Assange also feared extradition to the US where he faces a prison sentence for the publication of documents of the state Department.

the 50-week term of imprisonment of Assange in prison Belmarsh for “failure to comply with rules on sponsorship” when moving to England 8 years ago, expired on 22 September 2019 but the court still refused to grant him release, “for special reasons”.