In Turkmenistan banned the coronavirus. Patients are hiding in the barracks, wearing masks to jail.

Turkmenistan even during the economic crisis and the pandemic remains an island of stability and well-being official. According to statistics, in the Republic there is no case of infection COVID-19, test enough, and the virus has no chance to seep across borders. The President holds events and himself in them actively involved. But in the world media regularly gets different, not positive information — patients more, now they are kept in barracks with no amenities, the country continues to increase mortality from pneumonia. But the worst thing about this situation is that the people who are trying to observe elementary security measures to face prosecution.

what happens in most closed country in the post-Soviet space, I understand”.ru”.

the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov — a doctor by education. Before joining politics he worked as a dentist, a physician in the clinic, taught at the medical school, headed the Ministry of health. Medical experience he always regarded as his trump card. The head of state, caring for the health of the nation and knows firsthand all about the health care system, attracted voters. However, before coming to power, more of him no one knew anything.

loyalty to the profession, Berdymukhamedov has maintained, even as President. Annually Arkadak — “patron of all Turkmen,” as it is called in the people — writes books on medicine and are very proud of. Over the years, the head of state, he published more than thirty-five books on health, healing properties of water, tea and even Turkmen melons. To the gift book President is almost how to obtain the elixir of immortality.

says the Turkmen propaganda, Berdymukhamedov always keeps a finger on the pulse and drives away all the misfortunes of ordinary Turkmen. That pandemic coronavirus has not escaped the all-seeing eye of Arkadak. While other States have closed the borders and put people in quarantine, the Turkmen leader gave tips from the field of traditional medicine. At the government meeting on 16 March, he ordered — not asked, and it obliged the citizens to fumigate living quarters, shops, public places smoke specific plants harmala, commonly — burial.

the recommendation of the President took as an order to action. In public institutions, schools, kindergartens, universities and commercial premises — everything and everywhere began to fumigate Garman. The price is one bundle of plants soared several times. Did the burial or other people’s recipes “patron of all Turkmens” — is unclear. But while the world continues to struggle with COVID-19, Ashgabat ut��eredet that the infection has bypassed the Republic party.

the Word “coronavirus” in Turkmenistan banned. Journalists, doctors, teachers and government officials under threat of dismissal can not talk about COVID-19. Broadcasting of foreign media, which can disseminate information about the pandemic, temporarily suspended. Medical brochure, which mentions the coronavirus, removed and destroyed. People who are on the street in mask and gloves, you risk to be fined for violation of public order. Law enforcement authorities are entitled with the power to disrupt the protection.

of Course, statistics on the number of cases of coronavirus in Turkmenistan is not in any database. The local Ministry of health does not conduct any calculations, even in cases of pneumonia. Because the recommendations of Arkadak better than any of the recommendations of international organizations. The only thing that still take power to protect the citizens — put all in quarantine for two weeks.


cases COVID-2019 is officially registered in Turkmenistan. Unofficially it was reported seven cases in a quarantine camp for entering the country

For this remote from residential areas, the authorities have built special containers. Located inside the container stacked beds, standing close. Between them there are no partitions, which would allow people to keep their distance. No amenities in the premises no. Guarantee that infection with coronavirus or other disease that may develop in unsanitary conditions will not occur inside the box, either.

it’s Unknown and then test whether COVID-19 caught in the quarantine. The head of the Turkmen Ministry of health Nurmuhammed of Amannepesov claimed in late April that the disposal of doctors there are 30 thousand tests, and another 40 thousand authorities ordered abroad. But how many people are in isolation, does everyone take tests and whether the claimed number of tests is unknown.

for Example, in early March there were reports about the appearance of the first patients with coronavirus infection. But whether they received treatment or were treated with advice of a folk healer of Arkadak — a mystery. As pointed out by the consultant of the Carnegie Moscow center, Temur Umarov, in Turkmenistan and the truth may be negligible cases of coronavirus. It is a closed country.

However, Turkmenistan is not completely cut off from the outside world. For example, there are truckers who travel to neighbouring countries, such as Tajikistan, where the epidemic COVID-2019 acknowledged. So that the authorities of Turkmenistan had to admit representatives of the who and the OSCE as a minimum to work with border guards to train those to identify patients. At the entrance to the capital is still there the points of temperature measurement.

Officially in Turkmenistan so far not yet registered any case COVID-2019. And even who has to reckon with the reports of the government, as admitted by the representative of the organization in the country Paulina Karwowska. Only after numerous requests of experts was allowed to visit container camps in the cities Turkmenabad (former Chardjou) and Turkmenbashi (former Krasnovodsk). On the quarantine zone, the entrance was prohibited. The refusal of the authorities to substantiate the fact that now is not the right time. The country is occupied by liquidation of consequences of hurricanes struck — in many regions there is no light, water and communication problems, so supposedly employees of international organizations will be difficult to do objective research on the ground.

Demand and insist on visit to medical institutions of the country who is not authorized. To check for the presence or absence of coronavirus cases, the organization may only after an official invitation from the authorities. But the Turkmen authorities have been reluctant to call for a visit. Professionals who remained to bite your elbows.

the people of Turkmenistan in no way limited. They have the right to live a full life: to visit the usual places, walk to work, to study in schools and universities. In the Republic, the ongoing mass events, concerts, national football championship. For example, on 9 April in Ashgabat held a mass bike ride, and 26 April, the people in Ashgabat gathered at one of the biggest national holiday — Turkmen horse Day. Berdymukhamedov, a well-known lover of horses, received a gift of eight horses, and toured one of them.

However, the confidence Berdimuhamedov does not mean that he is not afraid of the coronavirus. The absence of fear needs to test the people of Turkmenistan, and the Arkadak prefers to play it safe. Public places just in case carefully disinfected, the government is purchasing the tests COVID-19 and still interact with international organizations.

the head of state moved from its large residence in Firuza valley in a small village Mines. The change of residence, according to unofficial reports, linked to the fear of the leader of the nation to infect their elderly parents. Berdymukhamedov has minimized the contacts with officials. Even with private security, the Turkmen leader prefers to see in the distance. As a medical doctor by education, Berdimuhamedov knows: distancing — the best prevention for any disease. The restriction of contacts and hand washing — measures, which are not questioned, even folk medicine.

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man — about participants assembled the bike ride in honor of the world day of health in Turkmenistan

For ordinary citizens to keep social distance is not just unnecessary but even impossible in after��time.

Since April, in some regions of the country to shop in state stores only if you have ration cards. To receive food rations at a fixed price people stand in the queue. In General, all products can be bought in private shops, but the most common products like bread there are three times more expensive. To avoid the crowds is almost impossible. Risks of infection with coronavirus in the crowd increased. Helps even the fumigation burial of the queues in the shops.

Through social networks, instant messengers in various world media received information that in the infectious ward of the Turkmen hospitals increasing number of patients. There are fatal outcomes. A funeral service celebrating the increased demand for services. A growing number of burials. However, the authorities continue remain calm.

Why are people allowed to say the word “coronavirus”, but the government of Turkmenistan themselves handing out recommendations on how to fight the disease with traditional methods, are unable to explain “the” even experts in Central Asia. However, they agree that the situation with COVID-2019 in the region have managed to control such a strange way.

Orientalist, a specialist on Central Asia Rafael Sattarov drew attention to problems with food, is gaining momentum in Turkmenistan. In his opinion, this country faces a serious crisis. “Iran, China and Russia — a strategically important providers of food in the Republic, — said the expert. After closure, these supplies ceased. To provide themselves with all necessary Turkmenistan until may”.

Sattarov says that lately Berdymukhamedov has intensified in the field of international negotiations. He communicates online with the authorities of Romania and Spain, is returned to the nearest neighbors — Uzbekistan, Russia. The theme of these conversations one — economic projects in various sectors, be it transport, agriculture, and energy.

Temur Umarov of the Carnegie center confirms that for the authorities of Turkmenistan now recognize the epidemic — then to put himself under the bomb. “The authorities would have to start mass testing, to quarantine, to treat patients. But the Turkmen health system is barely ready for that today,” he explains.

everything else, the people of the country would have to explain where they got the disease, how is the situation in other countries. And the lack of information is the Foundation of the regime of Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov. Any leakage of information the government is perceived as a hazard which can cause problems until the crisis. Unlikely professionals who should rely on the admission in the Turkmen infectious hospital��s — Arkadak to be the last to rely on burial and other methods of traditional medicine.