Donald Trump wants to be president of the USA again. Even if his chances couldn’t be worse after his party’s poor performance in the congressional elections, this is causing a great stir in the international political landscape and also in the press. Here is a press review.

A major reason Trump announced his candidacy is that he fears prosecution. He is a desperate man, a threatened and rabid animal who could face multiple charges over the next year (the stolen classified documents, Georgia).

He believes that running for president and the specter of violence at the hands of his most fanatical supporters will protect him from prosecutors. If indicted, he promises “problems in this country the likes of which we may never have seen.” And he will make good on that promise: As Senator Mitch McConnell said last year, Trump was “determined” to “flare our institutions on the way out” in January 2021 simply because he lost an election.

So imagine what Trump would do to avoid going to jail.

Trump has many loyal supporters who see him as a flawed but effective champion. His rise to power was built on the idea that he’s a winner and, for many Republicans, his 2016 victory provided sufficient justification for supporting him. It allowed the party to cut taxes and gain firm control of the Supreme Court, ushering in an era of conservative interpretation of the law, including the overturning of the Roe v. Wade [on abortion rights] this year.

But Republicans, even those who share Trump’s views on issues like China, trade and immigration, should realize that pursuing such goals by undermining the integrity of political processes would be short-sighted. When Americans doubt the legitimacy of elections, and their leaders fuel those doubts, they will no longer accept the legitimacy of government decisions or actions that contradict their own views. Without the fundamental principle of democratic leadership, American democracy is crumbling.

Another four years of Trump in the White House would be a disaster, and not just for the United States, and that’s putting it mildly. It can also be assumed that Trump will stop at nothing to avoid another defeat. He would not acknowledge any result that did not prove him victorious, and he would probably get his mob moving again. The storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, for which Trump is responsible, showed where this can lead.

As for the bigger picture, Republicans have traditionally been good at making voting difficult in regions where they don’t have majorities. They are also masters at bizarrely tailoring constituencies so that, sometimes as a minority, they command majorities in regional parliaments. Under Trump, the party has lost its last remaining scruples in this regard, and it will do everything it can to gain further advantages in this way over the next two years.

For them, Trump has become a burden. And he himself what he despises the most: a loser, from whom even the big party donors turn away. That doesn’t make him any less dangerous. Even if there isn’t even a nomination at the end of this application, Trump won’t just disappear into insignificance. Instead, wreak as much havoc and destruction as he can on his way there.

The less political support he has, the more he has long resorted to arousing the contempt for democracy and fanaticism of those who remain loyal to him. And that, one must not forget, is presumably still millions of people.

After the raid on his home, the number of tweets containing the word “civil war” rose by 3,000 percent within a few hours. This is the climate in which hatred thrives, with a recent Trump supporter attempting to smack Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, according to Albert Einstein. Republicans in the United States of America can now show that they are not completely insane.

You can understand the third presidential candidacy for 2024, which Donald Trump trumpeted almost boredly, at least without any esprit or news value, for what it is: a challenge to the party and – more importantly – to the very foundations of Trump already US Democrats, who have gotten into trouble several times.

If the “Grand Old Party”, which has been conceptually and strategically dwarfed almost beyond recognition and almost resembles a cult, still claims a right to exist under Trump, then it must finally neutralize the most cunning political shell-fish player of modern times.

No one can be surprised at the lack of self-discipline and political accountability that has prompted Donald Trump to run again as the Republican nominee for president. Because of course the narcissist Donald Trump didn’t understand that he is not what the US, his Republican Party and the rest of the world need. But Trump’s problem is that we know him now. Today we know his incompetence and democratic irresponsibility. He showed us that he is not the solution, but rather proof that the political dystopia in the US could be pushed even further than anyone imagined.

Therefore it is irresponsible that he stands up. And so it will be just as irresponsible to vote for him. Voters can no longer say they don’t know him. A vote for Donald Trump would simply be a vote against democracy.