Problems at Tesla: The production of the new dry batteries in Grünheide has apparently been delayed by at least a year. This is reported by the “Handelsblatt”, citing information from an insider.

The car manufacturer Tesla actually wanted to start battery production in Grünheide in the first quarter of 2023. However, according to the “Handelsblatt”, production will be delayed by at least a year. The triggers are problems with the mass production of the new dry batteries.

The company only presented its new 4680 dry cells in September. The promise: They are cheaper, quicker and more environmentally friendly to manufacture than the small batteries that have been used up to now, because their electrodes are coated dry instead of wet.

Now the setback. While the process should already be successful in test facilities, according to insider information, mass production is causing problems. The company wants to process a two meter wide electrode film at 160 meters per minute. According to one expert, the committee is “simply too big”.

As a result, the battery cells for the Brandenburg “Model Y” will continue to be imported from China for the time being. Only the finished battery packs are manufactured in Grünheide. After all: Tesla’s approval for the construction of the battery factory does not expire until 2025.