“In the Park “Patriot”, a solemn opening of a monument to commander of the airborne troops, army General Vasily Margelov and square airborne Alley “uncle Vasya”, – informs the military Department.

For those who do not know the veteran and the actual Creator of our airborne infantry Margelov airborne troops respectfully called “Batey”. The abbreviation for VDV behind the scenes “transcribed” as “troops uncle Vasya”. This gave the name to the alley. At its opening Patriot Park came airborne veterans, representatives of authorities and public organizations. Army office there was represented by the Deputy Minister of defence, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, incidentally, is also a professional marine. The ceremony was also attended by commander of the airborne troops Andrey Serdyukov.

In part of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the airborne troops in Moscow Park planted ninety cedars. “The event is part of a joint military-Patriotic action of the organizing Committee of the project “the Cedars of the great Victory” and the Ministry of defense of Russia, “1945 cedars of the great Victory”, – stated in the message of military Department.

Recall that in August of 2018, on the eve of Day of airborne troops the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu opened in Moscow the monument to the legendary commander of the airborne troops, army General Vasily Filippovich Margelov. A three-meter granite monument topped by a bronze sculpture of a military leader, was installed on the street Polikarpov near the metro station “Begovaya”. The place was chosen not by chance – this Metropolitan area is traditionally considered “military”: there is a lot of army agencies and defense companies. The monument to the famous General soldier created in the Studio of military artists to them. M. B. Grekov copyright architectural – artistic solution of Alexey Chebanenko.

Margelova Street in Moscow and Vitebsk, and Pskov, Omsk, Ulan-Ude and West Face. His name is the military airborne school in Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod cadet corps. Yes there street! All former and current paratroopers consider themselves pupils Margelov. Legendary commander truly treated his subordinates like a father. Was harsh and demanding, but did not allow anyone to offend the native airborne infantry. Historical fact: during the first landing from the plane of the combat vehicle with a crew inside Margelov was put there and the son.

According to Sergei Shoigu, General-soldier represents a whole epoch in the development of the airborne forces. Determination, perseverance, and professionalism Margelov not only preserved the “winged guard” as an independent branch, but also made it unique. Thanks to the General Margelov airborne was equipped with the most modern equipment, tested new ways Prim��tion. Iron will, organizational talent, and tactical hardened commander of the airborne troops allowed to form invincible spirit “blue beret”, to make them into a mobile and a formidable strike force that knows no equal in the world.