Millions of years ago the common ancestor of modern llamas, camels and alpacas has undergone an unusual genetic mutation, which gave these animals a strange type of antibodies are not found in other mammals. Scientists have suggested that they can help in the fight against COVID-19.

According to the publication Wired, researchers from the Institute of Rosalyn Franklin and Oxford University, the antibodies of llamas, also called antelami, able to deal with novel coronavirus infection.

“These nanotesla can block and do block the interaction between virus and human cells. They neutralize the virus,” reports the TV channel “360” words of ray Owens, Professor of molecular biology at Oxford University and one of the study’s authors.

Like all antibodies, nanotesla lamas have the ability to recognize and attach to specific place on a specific protein. In this case, the so-called Shipov proteins that dot the surface of the novel coronavirus. They attach to human cells and allow the coronavirus to penetrate and infect them. However nanotesla Lam block this, making the virus harmless.

Most species, including humans, produce very similar antibodies. But camels and llamas possess a tiny antibodies, which because of their size and called antelami. They are very stable and persist in extreme conditions. Even in the human stomach.

The researchers were able to identify nanotesla that can resist the SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately, they have not learned to attach them to the protein tightly enough to effectively block the penetration of the new coronavirus inside. However, in cases when the virus is faced with antelami, he was completely unable to infect human cells.

Scientists intend to continue their research.

We will remind, on Wednesday in Novosibirsk scientists are the first in Russia received the coronavirus neutralizing antibodies.