The graduate school was asked not to cancel in connection with the spread of coronavirus, and to hold them on 1 September. This initiative was made by Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on education and science Oleg Smolin, reports the Agency “Moscow”.

According to him, the transfer of the unified state examination (use) should not affect the ability of the Proms. Them, according to Smolin, “anyway”.

“As I said one friend of the graduate, "Even the wedding did not at all happen once, but prom only happens once". But when spending? If you succeed in June, then in June. If it does not, it may be a controversial idea — to combine the exhaust from 1 September,” — said Smolin.

He noted that the decision on the date of graduation in schools should take the last week of June, depending on the epidemiological situation. While in the majority of regions of Russia to carry out even earlier “last calls”, traditionally held in may. In this respect, Smolin suggested not to hurry up and spend them together with the prom.

Previously, because of coronavirus in Russia decided to postpone the exam and mark OGE (basic state exam, which is written by the ninth-graders). In the Ministry of education said that the exam will take only those students who plan to enroll in universities. The rest can be graded in this class based on the results of the year without mandatory exam on the Russian language and mathematics.

Pending the decision of the Ministry of education the first exam was scheduled to be held on 8 June. Remote exam is not considered, whereas the graduation examinations and protection of degree work in universities decided to conduct remotely.

Since the beginning of epidemic of coronavirus has registered 242 271 case in 85 regions. For the entire period died 2212 patients with COVID-19, 48 003 recovered.