Russia has offered to increase the amount from which citizens can receive a tax deduction when buying real estate. The proposal to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said a member of the Duma Committee on budget and taxes Yevgeny Fyodorov, reports RT.

He reminded that it is now officially working citizen can return personal income tax (13 per cent) from the sum to 2 million roubles and amounts to 3 million rubles at the interest on the loan. According to Fedorov, these amounts are far from the real cost of housing, especially in Metropolitan areas.

the MP has proposed to increase the amount of the deduction is doubled to 4 and 6 million, respectively.

the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on April 16 announced a mortgage at 6.5 percent per annum. A few days later, Russian banks have launched appropriate credit products. On June 23 the President announced that the program will be expanded to the size of mortgages for home purchase at a rate of 6.5% has increased from 3 million to 6 million rubles. In the largest Metropolitan areas — Moscow and St. Petersburg this figure rose to 12 million rubles.