Experts Roskoshestvo warned consumers about the toxins and poisons that may be contained in vegetables and fruits. The announcement was published on the website of Roskoshestvo June 3.

for example, in potatoes with “green barrels” contains solanine, the use of which can cause severe poisoning, vomiting and hallucinations. In the usual cooking or frying he is still in a certain amount, so the tuber with green formations it’s best to just throw it away. In addition, the potato can be harmful fumes from the rotting fruit, which emit large amounts of carbon dioxide. Solanine is also found in the stems and leaves of tomato as well as green fruit.

in addition, the type of food fungi involves the absorption of nutrients throughout the mycelium. Therefore, if the soil under them contains heavy metals, residues of agricultural pesticides, radionuclides, or other toxic compounds, then it all ends up in the fruit body of fungi.

the Experts also draw attention to the fact that the pit from cherries contain amygdalin, and if it is any way damage can expose the body to the effects of cyanide. In small quantities the body is able to cope with this substance, however, depending on the dose this could lead to an increase in blood pressure or dizziness. It is considered that a lethal dose of cyanide is 1.7 mg per 1 kg of body weight of a person around 50 kernels of cherries. Also contains amygdalin in apricot kernels.

Eating a large amount of radish can cause pain in the liver or dizziness due to the glycoside, which allocates sulfur-containing essential oil.

Also, the harmful substance contains nutmeg. Psychoactive hallucinogenic myristicin causes stimulating effect on the Central nervous system, therefore it is not recommended to use more than 10 g of nutmeg a day. The seeds of apples and unripe fruits of black elderberry, in turn, contain hydrocyanic acid, which secrete a small amount of cyanide.

Experts also recommend not to eat uncooked beans, as it contains phytohemagglutinin. It is a substance that increases the permeability of cell membranes, resulting in they can penetrate the harmful substances and even poisons.

Earlier, on may 29 specialists Roskoshestvo found that alcohol is quite caloric and therefore is not compatible with the diets.