In Lebanon gradually began to reverse action due to coronavirus

BEIRUT, 27 Jun – RIA Novosti. The Lebanese authorities Monday allowed to open agricultural businesses and small retail stores, the correspondent of RIA Novosti.

for the First time since March 16, resumed the work of municipal services and confectionery.

Significantly increased car traffic on the roads. Lively appeared in the shopping streets of Beirut and other cities.

According to the announced on Friday the government’s plan, the return to normal life is divided into five phases from April 27 to June 8.

In the second phase – from may 4 – plan to open large enterprises, factories, offices, private companies, restaurants and cafes with load above 30%. Including will be available to residents children’s parks, Playground and hairdresser.

From may 11 to work will return to kindergartens and schools with primary classes. From may 25 to the classroom will be able to start high school. In the last step will resume classes in higher educational institutions. Will be once again available to the tourist and religious sites.

About the timing of the opening of the airport, land and sea borders, while official statements from the leadership of the country did not, however, necessary for the opening of the borders, tentatively scheduled for early June.

Lebanese authorities on 16 March introduced a regime of epidemiological emergency (civilian mobilization) to combat the spread of coronavirus. A state of emergency on Friday was extended until may 10, given the gradual lifting of quarantine measures. Today officially infected citizens in the country – 710.

the Latest data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.