Many of us consider the pandemic coronavirus needless aromatizirovannaya and not so dangerous, while others experience a real fear of the mysterious and brutal virus. Why in this difficult time it is important to know and follow the simple rules of psychological hygiene, the readers of “RG” tells famous psychologists – the doctor of psychological Sciences Marina Ermolaeva and Ph. D. Dmitry Lubovsky. Both are professors in the Department of “Pedagogical psychology” to them. Professor V. A. Guruzhapov faculty “Psychology of education” Moscow state psychological-pedagogical University.

Marina V. what hygiene, what place it occupies in the science of psychology?

Marina Ermolaeva: the Hygiene is an applied area of psychology in which you develop and apply measures aimed at preservation, maintenance and promotion of mental health.

the Term was coined in 1900, the German psychiatrist Robert Sommer. But the great recognition he received after a book by American psychologist Clifford Beers, “a Mind that found itself”. In it the author wrote about his own life experience.

In Russia, the emergence of mental health is associated with the first Congress of psychiatrists in Russia (1887), where the prominent Russian psychiatrists turned to the public with the idea of creating a system of prevention of nervous and mental diseases.

Dmitry Lubovsky: Hygiene aimed at prevention of mental and psychological problems, the psycho-prophylaxis. Its purpose is to help people avoid the impacts of dangerous to their mental health and to cope with difficulties that cannot be avoided. And in addition, the development of the humanistic attitude, people suffering from mental illness, fall into a different kind of addiction (alcohol, drugs, narcotic, etc.) that are in stressful conditions of work, etc.

Formulated any rules for the observance of mental health? Do they have values for the current situation?

Dmitry Lubovsky: To the particular rules of mental health is the observance of simple rituals to normalize sleep, good mood, smooth calm state.

Given these rules is of particular importance to the current situation. Compliance with them in the first place partly prevents infection infectious diseases – and this is particularly important discovery of psychohygienic! In addition, fear of becoming infected, severe emotional stress, heavy mood, intellectual overload can have a negative impact on overall health. It can be affected by the development of suspiciousness, inability to control himself. This can lead to alcohol abuse, aimless spending time online or in front of the TV.

is it Possible to teach loved ones – children, elderly parents – respect for the rules of mental health?

Marina Ermolaeva: the Most simple in dealing with children is a demonstration of their own example of constant and strict observance of these rules. Sequence integrity, intelligence, benevolent demands of parents and others – all conditions for the formation of the child’s habit of compliance with these rules.

of great importance to the restraint of parents in the manifestation of their emotions, their moods. Irritability of older, unreasonable nitpicking perceived by the child as a violation of the very rules that they themselves set. In this case, you can’t expect a child’s compliance. He should see others, especially parents, samples of reasonable behavior in different and especially in extreme situations. In terms of isolation should not be overburdened with children, no games, no training, nor any employment responsibilities. But, nevertheless, they should be accustomed to the mental and physical exercise appropriate to their capabilities, and responsible attitude to his duties.

Dmitry Lubovsky: with regard to older family members, with them it is advisable to discuss the benefits of compliance with the rules of mental health.

he Stands still and times to repeat to them that a healthy psyche is beneficial for health, helps to survive and grow as a person when you temporarily or even permanently diseased body. A healthy personality is able to achieve the highest level of compensation and tools to fight the disease. Compliance with the requirements of mental health, for example, plays an important role in the prevention of myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke. Its preventive value is indisputable in relation to hypertension and occurs on its soil of hypertensive crises, and also – to a greater or lesser extent, in the prevention of many other diseases and their adverse course.

What to do if loved ones are constantly violating these rules, creating a nervous atmosphere in the family and bringing harm to yourself and others?

Dmitry Lubovsky: unfortunately, this often happens. But threats and shouts can only worsen the situation. With children it is best to try to negotiate. With kids – start a game in compliance with these rules. Teenagers can ask for help in the development of positive family rituals. Nervous and elderly parents to ask for help in establishing rules for the mental health of children, hinting that the best method for this is a personal example.

are There any simple techniques that help to form the mouth��the ion to the positive perception of the situation?

Marina Ermolaeva: of Course, that is the most important of them.

Maintenance of physical activity, half an hour or at least 15 minutes in the morning, mid afternoon and evening to perform any exercise that you like. You can dance or even just perform stretching in all directions. It gives energy and life will seem more fun.

it is Important to observe the ritual of going to bed at the same time, preferably before midnight. It is necessary to ventilate the room before going to sleep, to abandon the use of gadgets and watching the news about two hours before bedtime – better to read your favorite book.

we Need to refuse to communicate with depressive people, but of course this is not true of older members of the family. Do not forget that emotions are distributed is contagious, and we literally “infect” their emotions all the partners in dialogue. Choose with whom to communicate, allocate more time communicating on the phone and online with successful, positive people.