members of the national Institute of preventive archaeological research in France (Inrap) in carrying out excavations in the small town of Saint-Vulbas found a set of graves from the iron age, among which stands out the grave of a woman buried with jewelry.

As reported at the Inrap, the area of excavation was about one hectare. Found the burial complex is located on the right Bank of the rhône river. This place was used for burial for several centuries.

So, was excavated barrow round, created probably in the first half of the VIII century BC Scientists suggest that it was used for burial of the remains of cremated bodies.

the Greatest attention was attracted by a tomb located near this mound and Dating to the late fifth century BC, It was rectangular. This suggests variability in burial practices of ancient times. In the tomb were found the remains of a woman who probably belonged to the upper class.

She was buried in a wooden sarcophagus, hollowed from a tree trunk. This tomb has not been preserved but you can see its imprint. The width of the burial was 1.1 meters and a length of 2.85 meters. At the bottom were laid hewn logs, in the grooves which have been tightly installed in the sarcophagus. Analysis of microparticles found in the soil showed that it was made of oak.

In the tomb were found many ritual objects, in particular pottery. The hand of the deceased was decorated with a valuable bracelet. Her thighs were covered luxury belt width of about six inches, made of leather and covered with glass beads of different colors that alternated with copper disks. The buckle was also made from copper alloy.

the Woman died in adulthood. Perhaps further research will help to establish the cause of her death, and the origin. Scientists note that she was buried in magnificent clothes, as indicated by preserved metal clasps.