Just before the end of the year read the electricity and gas meters and tell the provider? Many consumer advocates emphasize that this can bring in hard cash. FOCUS online says why the measure is now absolutely necessary.

The background is that from March 2023 the gas and electricity price brake will come. An upper limit then applies to 80 percent of the previous year’s consumption. For gas it is 12 cents per kilowatt hour and for electricity 40 cents per kilowatt hour. A price brake also applies to district heating, it was set at 9.5 cents per kilowatt hour and also applies to 80 percent of the previous year’s consumption.

If you don’t read the gas and electricity meter, energy suppliers will estimate consumption based on the previous year. In many cases, the estimate is based on a generous level.

At the same time, hundreds of energy suppliers are raising gas and electricity prices on January 1, 2023. Because this price increase will apply to 20 percent of the previous year’s consumption from March 1st – with the introduction of the price brakes – the discount will be reduced by the estimate – even though consumers are already saving on energy.

Those affected can report their meter reading by telephone, e-mail, SMS, via the homepage or via the app. For many energy suppliers, a simple cell phone photo that is uploaded online is sufficient.

After you have sent the meter reading, you will usually receive a confirmation by e-mail.

You can read the meter reading every month, but you don’t have to submit it every month.

Basically, a monthly look at the meter reading helps to know your own consumption and “to be able to see your own savings,” says the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center.

Energy has never been as expensive as it is now. But instead of panicking, you should calmly check potential savings at home. As our guide shows, there are many of them.

Bargains should always read the meter reading on the 1st calendar day of the month and enter the data in a table. This chart is then attached to the fridge and discussed with the family.

If consumption increases massively in a month, saving measures can be decided together.

Many municipal utilities and energy suppliers want to raise electricity and gas prices from January 1, 2023. In the case of electricity tariffs, the energy price is sometimes doubled. This tears gigantic financial holes in the household budget.

Consumers should primarily look out for cheap providers. Basic suppliers are often cheaper than supposed discount electricity providers.

FOCUS online advises: Households can either hire a company to look for a new provider or compare tariffs themselves, for example with the help of online tariff calculators.

The annual electricity or gas consumption, which is on the end-of-year bill, is important for this. The Federal Network Agency advises that those who want to switch should not only compare the price of different providers for gas delivery to their own place of residence.

Notice periods and contract terms also differ. The shorter the contract, the more flexible customers are and the tariff may be more expensive.

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