Gradually fading the so-called dentures. Implants supplant them. Instead patients the extracted teeth in the jaw of the person being introduced artificial teeth implants. The age of dental implants began in the second half of the last century. First implants were trying to do from different metals. Including from the same gold. Nowhere to go: gold is not only the most precious metal, but one of the most safe for the body. However, we recognize, in the sense of strength, of beauty, of the growing popularity of the Hollywood smile gold is clearly not to the court. Worldwide was the search for his replacement. To artificial teeth – implants – apparently did not differ from the teeth of their own.

My today’s interlocutor is the head of the dental clinic “dent Estetik” the state Legishvili, which started its practical activities in the end of the last century, gold implants is not found. Then for replacing their own teeth had villasis titanium implants. They are more or less well-accustomed and well imitated natural teeth. Because actively used to this day.

the state Legishvili: By and large, to the titanium implants neither dentists nor patients have no complaints. But… the Titan, like gold, has its trial. And in almost pure form is not produced. There is always admixture of other metals, which cares for patients. Some of them implants cause allergic reactions. These reactions can lead to rejection of the implant. Because not every patient we can carry out the procedure of implantation. Forced to refuse them. And patients are forced to use removable dentures. Agree, that reduces their quality of life.

In our digital age, it is just necessary to replace and gold, and titanium. If you the intellect to replace the artificial, then do not find suitable material for our children’s happiness.

the state Legishvili: Can please: this material is finally becoming embedded in practical dentistry. In my practice I use it quite often.


the state Legishvili: Diced Zirconia ZrO2. This heavy-duty natural material of white color. It has long been used in aerospace and in the automotive industry, for example, in the manufacture of brake pads. This heavy-duty to withstand heavy loads and temperature material. Understand that my comparison is not quite correct, but…. The overstrength and the same white is very important in dental prosthetics. Plus precision. This material world dental practice used. Used successfully in my clinic in the manufacture of dental prostheses. Gradually I came to the conclusion that from this material you can install yourself ��plenty. That is, to introduce them to the very bone. I’m not a pioneer. Such implants are manufactured in some European countries, they are certified. Their acquisition is not a problem. Experience, the same practice of our clinic show that the operation of implantation of teeth is more favorable. There was no complications. All implants are accustomed.

And in other clinics in other cities, the installation of such implants is possible? Because, remember, if a successful new technology is the domain of only the elite, that it loses its meaning.

the state Legishvili: I would not like to see our conversation about the new technology ended on a pessimistic note. But reason for optimism I have. Prevails understanding that implants made of zirconium dioxide is preferable that in the near future they will replace the Titan of dentistry. And it’s not just dentistry. Now this material is produced of artificial hip joints. I think in other branches of medicine will be to apply it.