Husband leading eagle and Tails hounded

Members of the singer Vlad Topalov, the husband of TV presenter Regina Todorenko, made fun of the singer in Instagram after his wife of domestic violence.

Users have accused the singer in the support position as the leading show “heads and Tails”. According to some of them, people with this opinion do not support, and the only appropriate action is to unsubscribe from them. Many have lamented the fact that Todorenko his statement devalued the work of people fighting for the law on domestic violence. Also some subscribers Topalov demanded an apology.

After the singer responded to a number of messages in the form of a foul, the degree of communication is off the scale. Topalov was accused of alcoholism, drug addiction and the desire “to hurt the wife because the booty don’t spit as I should”.

Earlier Todorenko in an interview with Peopletalk on YouTube said that women can be guilty that they are beaten. “Your husband beats you, why do you not think? What did you do to ensure that he did not beat you?” — said TV presenter. She later apologized for his statement.

netizens made fun of the leading for this statement and indicated that she should blame the rapists, not the victims. Glamour magazine has deprived Todorenko the title of “woman of the year”. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on family, women and children Oksana Pushkina supported this decision.