I’m very wary of haste in the development of vaccines, – told correspondent “RG” Professor Olga Karpova, head of Department of Virology of biological faculty of Moscow state University. University. The same opinion, and Anthony Fauci, a renowned American virologist, head of the Centre for control and prevention of diseases of the U.S. who believes that a vaccine against this virus will be available for mass use in 12 to 18 months after March of this year. And as Paul Offit, one of the creators of the vaccine against rotavirus in the late 1990-ies 12-18 months for a new vaccine it is too optimistic forecast. These are just some of the skeptical views, the number of which is growing as there are new posts about the close of vaccination.

But why a year or even more it is necessary to create a new vaccine? Indeed, the very principle of vaccination is known for a very long time. For example, in China and India in different variants of people were inoculated against smallpox in the X century. But history lessons tell us how Catherine the Great had set an example to his people, experienced the vaccination against smallpox, which decimated Europe’s hundreds of thousands of people. In the last century in the world-established technology for the production of vaccines against many terrible infections that allowed humanity almost to forget about them. Vaccination is now considered one of the major achievements of civilization.

in short, once all the approaches are clear and seemingly discovering a new infection, should immediately go to the victory to the beaten path. Today, there are several several options effektivnyh vaccines. Basic are used with the 30-ies of the last century, the so-called inactivated (live) and attenuated (weakened) vaccine. They for many years have saved millions of lives. But like any medicine they have their flaws, so science is constantly looking for more effective options. About 30 years ago, a radically new vaccines – genetic engineering, or recombinant. What is their essence?

in Order to obtain the recombinant vaccine, we need to know the genome sequence of the virus, says Professor Olga Karpova, head of Department of Virology of biological faculty of Moscow state University. – Such sequences are already known for other coronaviruses, say, SARS and MERS. As for COVID-19, more than 2.5 thousands of complete genomes, obtained in different countries. They do not much differ from each other. Moreover, we already know in its genome, the areas where the encoded protein, by which human immunity the virus will be able to accurately recognize. Then using the techniques of genetic engineering you can make any culture of cells to accumulate this protein in large quantities. This will be the future of recombinant antigens of the vaccine.

But to find the intruder, the immune system should be quick and decent response, and also forremember the signs that in the future not to leave him no chance. That is, to acquire immunity to the coronavirus. However, a protein on the tip of which the immune system recognizes the virus for the role of stimulator of resistance is not well suited. On it gives a weak immune response. To enhance scientists go to the trick. They create a kind of platform-immunostimulant, which put proteins of the coronavirus. The platform is chosen so that the proteins located on its surface, in large numbers have developed antibodies which will protect us from the virus. And remember the immune system.

Today, recombinant vaccines are among the most promising in medicine. They are safer predecessors, and the development time is significantly less. Such technologies now scientists from many countries applied for vaccine COVID-19. Involved in this race and biologists of Moscow state University. They are developing a multivalent vaccine designed to visit not one but several different guests.

– what’s their point?

-plant-based we have created a platform Immunostimulants, where we host proteins-antigens, to which antibodies against coronaviruses that cause diseases such as COVID-19, SARS, MERS, and coronaviruses of bats, which have the potential of overcoming the species barrier with the person, – says Olga Karpova. – In General, the vaccine is a weapon which science proceeds after the “war” and we must learn to be proactive. It is quite possible, if we find similar sequences in proteins of different viruses and to create a polyvalent vaccine. Moreover, ideally one should have a kind of LEGO where you can change proteins-antigens of viruses and quickly create a vaccine against, incurred or manifested itself again infections.

In recent years, in science, appeared a new direction in genetic immunization. The point is that the body does not enter proteins-antigens, do not use any platform and force him to produce them. To solve this, a nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), which is encoded information about the protein of the virus and the immune system then go – find guest and will develop antibodies to it. And although in the world there is no current vaccine, developed in a similar way, a number of laboratories are trying to remedy COVID-19.

will it Allow to significantly reduce the development time, in the hope that the authors? Or to the finish line first will come those who work on recombinant vaccines? Breakthrough promise several laboratories. For example, in the University of Oxford 23 APR started trials of recombinant vaccines on volunteers and promised an 80% probability of success. But that’s just what the authors unexpectedly said: “At the moment there is a 50 percent chance that we will not receive any results, because there are problems that might prevent you from creating a vaccine to September, as stated previously.”

– the creation of drugs has its immutable laws, mandatory steps that cannot be jump – said Karpov. It is especially important to understand: not to defend – this is very bad, but hurt is a disaster. But because the security check of the future of medicine is on a wide range of positions. Each requires a certain time, for example, tests on subchronic toxicity of the vaccine lasts about six months.

And yet, according to the Professor, hope for a reduction in the time there. The fact that some vaccines COVID-19 are based on the variants that have already been developed against previous outbreaks of infections from the MERS coronavirus and SARS. They are in the test were tested for toxicity. But then all too quickly ended, and funding for the study stopped. So the vaccine from previous infections may become a strategic platform for the development of future vaccines. Only in this case, the long period of development can be reduced.

But do we need all this hurry? After all, according to scientists, the epidemic is not recommended no vaccination, even planned. Since there is no guarantee that the person is in incubation period, and if we use the vaccine, possible adverse events and reduced efficacy of vaccinations. “All right, but there are categories of people, primarily doctors and the military, which even in the period of epidemic it is necessary to vaccinate, says Karpov. But for this we need to comply with strict rules: they should be placed on a strict two-week quarantine, and if no signs of illness and tests negative for the virus, it is possible to vaccinate”.

According to the Professor, this coronavirus will gradually lose the aggressiveness which is characteristic for the initial period, when it jumps the species barrier, passed from animal to human. Part of infected people suffer very hard, a certain number die every day. But when the virus adapts to population to a new host, it becomes a much “calmer”. It is not beneficial for us to torture and kill, he needs us to reproduce. Karpov did not rule out that vaccinations against coronavirus will be as seasonal as the flu.