unfortunately, lying accompanies us throughout life. When someone deliberately distorts reality to appear in the best light. Someone genuinely believes that a beautiful lie is better than bitter truth. Every day we are not just cheating in different situations and for different reasons. Every day we ourselves deceive others. And understand, when the source of reliable reports, and when the false information is not always.

Every employer wants to create a team of decent people. The boss is responsible for the establishment of the company’s friendly work environment. After all, no amount of money and career prospects will not keep a promising employee, if the office is rampant squabbles, gossip, lies, lost wallets or confidential information.

Therefore, it has become very popular in recent test of honesty in interviews. Advanced firms have even involve in this process of professional profilers (they are the verifiers, that is, specialists in contactless lie detection) and even a polygraph.

the online seminar trainer training courses of the International Academy of the study lies a Profiler verifier Dmytro khodanovich answered questions “RG”.

Dmitry, what are the key attributes of truth?

Dmitry khodanovich: These signs are many, the lie is manifested in facial expressions, gestures, emotions, voice characteristics, involuntary reactions of the body: the increased heart rate, respiration, expansion or contraction of the pupils, etc. But the main thing to remember: universal signs of lying does not exist, everything is very individual. To get a feel for the likelihood of lying, you need to know the baseline behavior of a particular person. Deviations from it can testify, including about the attempted fraud. If it’s your employee, coworker, or old friend, the line of his behavior you already know. If you want to “split” the stranger, ask him a few questions, which makes no sense to lie to you: chicken or fish, coffee or tea with cream or lemon, how much sugar? And then ask yourself what really interests you, and compare the emotionality of the response, gestures, facial expressions. The difference will give the reason to think – but it is only to think as to make specific conclusions can only be qualified as a Profiler.

recently, many work on remote. As the head of the monitor playing not do his fellow a fool? Is it possible to define the lie remotely?

Dmitry khodanovich: Possible, but much harder in person, especially the correspondence. There are certain signs, but to say absolutely that it’s a lie, it is impossible. Some people speak the generalized language. And the question “were You on the project?” will answer something like: “Yes, there was. The work goes on. Wall R��unaut, ceiling paint. The screed dries. Wallpapers will be yellow. Plumbing delivered”.

Another characteristic of unnecessary detail: “Yes, there was. Visiting the site at 6.45 am, got into a huge traffic jam at the intersection of prospect and rings. There is a narrowing to two lanes because the workers in orange vests are changing the cement curbs on the granite. In front of me Lada “eggplant” license plate so-and-so, so much Cadel, what a headache 21 minutes. Tube lasted 33 minutes, then went three-and-a-half minutes, and again stood still for 17 minutes. After Moscow trudged 24 kilometers per hour. In the red “Maserati Levante” blonde lips painted, then the eyelids were down. And the object of everything is coming.”

That is the perception of the situation and the structure of speech are different. The letter will be the same. If the person is detailed, it will be all the detail to paint. But if you came from the employee three detailed letters, and the fourth is generic, there is reason to think, whether there were any changes that people were forced to change the behavior? And some information, maybe he’s hiding.

But behavior changes there are thousands of reasons and it’s not necessarily the desire to deceive. I want to warn against hasty conclusions: to determine the lie in the letter can only be an expert psycholinguist. And that is, the probability of error. Perhaps we should call the officer and talk to him personally. But in any case not to think, if you see any fact that causes issues.

In conversation on the phone deceit was easier to see?

Dmitry khodanovich: Yes, because it is one of the main informative features lie. All, what were we talking about now true for talking on the phone. Only for live speech is even such a feature as the point of paralysis or a choice point. Let’s say you asked a colleague a question, whether it was yesterday on the object. If he has one answer, that is, he was the object, he will answer without hesitation. If there is a choice of what to say, truth or lie, it will certainly take time to think and answer after a pause. But again, the silence before the answer directly does not indicate a lie. It only indicates that the employee had several answers, and he wondered what profitable. Experienced liars know about the point of the freeze and try to disguise it. Basically, supposedly mechanically repeating your question or two or three last words to him. Yesterday at the facility? This repit enough to ponder the answer. I repeat: to separate the lies from the truth only by a qualified specialist. The change in the baseline behavior can be a signal that the employee need to look closely.